Brian Schneider
{K:313} 7/28/2003
Wonderful scenery, there is nothing like that in my part of the world, I envy you.
Geza Farkas
{K:12412} 7/25/2003
Great lendscape. Congratulation.
Marjon B
{K:387} 7/24/2003
Very good picture of a beautiful scene. Good composition and beautiful colors. Gyönyörû :-).
Rhonda Prince
{K:17687} 7/22/2003
Looks like a beautiful place to be! I agree with the composition comments but still a wonderful landscape.
Mark Beltran
{K:32612} 7/22/2003
I wish the bottom crop wasn't so abrupt. The little bay there doesn't look whole, and the eye wants to see the diagonal road to continue.
ventrix drogo
{K:65398} 7/22/2003
good Lipari. Is a good island. Good prospective and colors. Bye
Craig Wiernik
{K:312} 7/22/2003
Tough trying to determine your focus here - is it the Boat coming into town or the town itself? I would've like to see more town, which is what I gather your focus is based on the title and your comments.
Anna Dill
{K:3872} 7/22/2003
Beautiful seascape. I like how you captured the lines of travel in the water. It is a very pretty harbor.