Gabriella Carta
{K:22879} 4/14/2004
wonderful reflex, good!!
Vicki Bentley
{K:5080} 4/15/2003
This is an excellent capture, a wonderful piece of art. Well done.
Katia Cutrone
{K:12940} 6/30/2002
This reflection is great! And also the quality of detail in the face. Really well done, I love it.
Dawna G.
{K:7709} 6/28/2002
Hi Mariusz, nice to see you, well, your reflection anyways. (personally I don't see what all the fuss is over about number of views - I try not to pay attention to that sort of thing on here - it is a "critique" site, not a competition!)
Mariusz Busilo
{K:104} 6/27/2002
Internet communication may often lead to such missunderstandings. In fact I used to it and felt no harm at all :). I'm a new one here and I'm very happy to see such response from "big" professionals. I'm really greatfull for this and please don't stop correcting me :) and I'll do my best learning from You.
Mariusz Busilo
{K:104} 6/27/2002
William R Eastman III
{K:2141} 6/27/2002
Excellent, Mariusz. I wish all of us had such loyal followings--we would get a lot of feedback and learn faster.
It was simply such a weird anomaly to see such an instant response. And I certainly wasn't very discreet, was I. After all, this isn't a contest.
I will be laying over in Warsaw next week and looking forward to seeing your beautiful city. You can e-mail me at bill@eastmanphotography.com. It would be nice to meet you between planes.
Regardless, this is an excellent photograph and fulfills that storytelling element we discussed earlier very well.
Best Regards from a foolish old man.
Mariusz Busilo
{K:104} 6/27/2002
I do play fair :). I am a member of Polish newsgroup "pl-rec-foto". That's one of this group task - to discuss others pictures - so whenever I post a new picture somewhere on the web I also post a link to it on this newsgroup. Does it explain the "one hour popularity" of my pictures :)? Does it not in any way correspond to usefilm.com rules ?
William R Eastman III
{K:2141} 6/26/2002
I mean, I said some really nice stuff about your 'after fishing' and this is an excellent image but no one gets 135 views after an hour and a half from posting. Play fair. Let your work speak for itself.
William R Eastman III
{K:2141} 6/26/2002
Qute shot, like your last one--do you have 40,000 relatives that look at your work the moment it goes on the web? I'm a marketing guy. I analyze this stuff.
Larry Edwards
{K:843} 6/26/2002
This is very well done. It's great that nearly the entire context in which the shot was taken can be construed from the reflections. I even like that the photographer is visible. Good detail, exposure and DOF. You have not had a failure to communicate here.