Anna Pagnacco
{K:7448} 7/27/2003
Superb macro, Jim...thanks for the pleasure:-)) Ciao, Anna
Bill Ciavarra
{K:10216} 7/27/2003
Excellent details and color...Very good job!
Craig Garland
{K:27077} 7/24/2003
Nice sharp, colorful shot Jim!
Don Loseke
{K:32503} 7/24/2003
Nice soft lighting. Very nice work. Don
Kristina Kohut
{K:49990} 7/24/2003
So wonderful deep colours, it looks very beautiful! Also of course, very nice capture of the butterfly! A lovely shot! And it makes me smile to think about you standing there in peaceful silence, photographing flowers and then suddenly a WOLF comes! I haven't seen your wolf photo yet, but I'm curious and will look at it now!
peta jones
{K:12615} 7/23/2003
This is beautiful Jim, the composition is great with the other flower in the background. Lovely.
Richard Blount
{K:8015} 7/23/2003
An excellent macro, a worthwhile wait, well done - Richard.
Gaetan Chevalier
{K:4188} 7/23/2003
Wonderful photo.
CJ Kitts
{K:1607} 7/23/2003
Ronnie Gaubert
{K:3700} 7/23/2003
Hey Jim, great colors in this shot. That flower is really beautiful, I assume it's a wild flower. We have plenty of wild flowers down here, but not like this one. Butterfly is a good addition. I also like the great background, no noise and very soft. I have been playing around with the 80-200mm for macros lately, but the 300mm is sharper and has better contrast. Other than landscapes, the 300 hasn't been off my camera, great lense.
Kim Culbert
{K:37070} 7/23/2003
The flower in the background is the perfect backdrop for this butterfly and flower. A stunning location to hunt butterflies and wolves! My one nit is the white strand of grass or weed coming in on the right... it would have been great if it wasn't there... but it isn't that big of a deal.
T Glow
{K:14955} 7/23/2003
Very beautiful macro.... great lightning & colors. Regards,T.
RosaMaria F. S. Faria
{K:1281} 7/23/2003
Superb macro.....congrats. love it.
Loyce D. Hood
{K:1859} 7/23/2003
Perfect shot! I love the composition, detail, color of this flower, and the butterfly just tops it off perfectly. Great shot.