Lee Harris
{K:14694} 6/18/2004
Very Sharp Picture ! I like the composition very much, your lighting and detail is perfect. My Complements. Lee
Anna Pagnacco
{K:7448} 8/6/2003
..opppppppps Jim... I often mistake with your last name, sorry...Anna
Anna Pagnacco
{K:7448} 8/6/2003
What a beauty, Chris!Love as is....Anna
Craig Garland
{K:27077} 8/2/2003
....love those ears, and as usual, great detail and perfect exposure. The bg is excellent too. A shot straight from the camera-- well, it's excellent like all your other works. The left ear cut off by the frame doesn't bother me, but it might some-- ideally I suppose it would be better to have it in the pic even at the expense of some of the detail at the bottom. Nice work Jim!
Richard Blount
{K:8015} 8/2/2003
This is a supperb shot, beautifully exposed and composition is very good, well done Jim - Richard.
Kristina Kohut
{K:49990} 8/2/2003
It's so beautiful! A perfect capture, except from that it's missing a little part of the ear. Many times I like these straight from camera shots more than sharpened ones that can look so rough sometimes.
Gregory McLemore
{K:35129} 8/1/2003
Excellent wildlife capture, belongs hanging in a hunting lodge, well done.
Jim Christensen
{K:18843} 8/1/2003
Ronnie White balance was Direct Sun, color mode III , hue adjust 0,ISO 200,sharpening Auo, tone Comp Auto,thats about it. I was surprised at the sharpness as well. I got the Intellisharp from Fred Miranda after seeing what Don did to my shot, Its a plug it for PS.
Ronnie Gaubert
{K:3700} 8/1/2003
Jim, nice out of camera image. What were your camera settings. Color and clarity look damn good for no PS enhancements. That plugin Don used is very impressive and he didn't have the original image to work with. I assume that's a plugin for PhotoShop, I use Corel.
Igor L.
{K:7432} 8/1/2003
Very nice image!
Don Loseke
{K:32503} 8/1/2003
This is what you call whisker sharp. Your colors are very nice and did not need any correction. Great pose. I took the liberty of running it through intelsharpen plug in. Hope you didn't mind. Don.