murat ayral
{K:2571} 9/8/2005
One of the most innocent and pure shot I ve ver seen.. Beautiful Murat AYRAL
Theresia Makatita
{K:2114} 9/11/2004
dank voor je reaktie, in Emmen heb je een vlindertuin met schitterende vlinders. ik zelf ben ook een grote vlinderfan :)
xxxIlonaxxxx xxxxKrijgsmanxxxx
{K:10405} 9/11/2004
O my I never saw such butty..my friend the butty lover from England would like this one...perfect catch.....awesome color
Kristina Kohut
{K:49990} 6/6/2004
Oooh I love this! Incredibly good photo quality, and so nice feeling seing the butterfly on the hand! Also the butterfly looks fantastic! Like wooden, but of course not... Very beautiful and well taken photo!
Heather Tomas-Allem
{K:1064} 2/1/2004
I have never seen a butterfly like that one! Absolutely beautiful capture.
Emanuele Calvagno
{K:14353} 12/4/2003
very beautiful shot....
Ronny Van Eeckhoutte
{K:12734} 9/8/2003
Great macro image.Very beautiful colors and excellent DOF.Perfect composition and wonderful details and lighting. thans for your comments Theresia ....
Kim kyungsang
{K:14135} 8/20/2003
Superior moment expression . ...kim
Ana Vianna
{K:15270} 8/20/2003
Great capture! Great colours!
Elaine Collins
{K:1575} 8/20/2003
Wow, what a great catch!
Marek Krol
{K:9791} 8/20/2003
Thats one huge butterfly - does this mean that the trick is to find bigger butterflies and not purchase better macro lenses?
Rodney Glover
{K:460} 8/20/2003
Outstanding capture. I like the near to far composition.
Ayse Telci
{K:4168} 8/20/2003
Igor L.
{K:7432} 8/20/2003
Nice capture!
Kim Culbert
{K:37070} 8/20/2003
I think I would be scared of such a LARGE butterfly!!! It's HUGE! But still, it's lovely... nice tones, and excellent colour.
So, what's the magic secret to getting butterflies to land on your hand?
Robson Zumkeller Campos
{K:4071} 8/20/2003
kenton maxwell
{K:139} 8/20/2003
Great capture! You pulled it off...=)
Stefan A. F. Kassler
{K:3727} 8/20/2003
Oh, very nice scene and a great photo. I like the composition, the light is good and it is an excellent idea. Go on and let your ideas fly like a butterfly! :-D Regards.
ken krishnan
{K:19102} 8/20/2003
A beautiful shot - so pleasing to look at. Well done.
Joksa Juoperi
{K:13473} 8/20/2003
Great capture with nice colours. Regards, Joksa.