Bikramadittya G. Roy
{K:7202} 8/29/2003
Excellent capture. The innocence of the children changes to the hush-hush of the adults. It takes only a few turns of the globe to transform that. Regards.
scarlet james
{K:778} 8/29/2003
Wonderful shot..well done ..like the sepia tonality.. I HATE people doing this - But ..what does it look like shaving off a bit on my right??? I would also like to swivel it ...but you`ve probably done all that as this is the picture you have chosen - and it is good.
Jamie Ferguson
{K:6284} 8/28/2003
Awww aren't they precious! Another almost period piece. I would have vignetted this one to darken out the guys in the one below as they're a bit distracting.
Pat Fruen
{K:12076} 8/25/2003
Mysterious photo...great catch.
Jim McNitt
{K:11246} 8/25/2003
Great catch, Roger!
michael rose
{K:687} 8/25/2003
what are those filthy devils doing under the innocent kids? Who is the lusty lad on the right. He don't look too bright. Good stolen moment tao with a great contrast
. .
{K:16329} 8/24/2003
Certainly caught the moment here! And the kinetic energy of the picture you've heightened well with the horizontal toning. Good work!! [thanks for the tip on Wim Wenders-went on his site-marvelous stuff-I see what you were referring to]
ryan winton
{K:3027} 8/24/2003
nice shot, this will be one to remeber, and a classic in years to come,!!!
Suryo Wibowo
{K:106} 8/24/2003
two daughters and two fathers ??? nice...very nice...