Barry Tipping
{K:959} 7/29/2002
Bryce is a 3D modeling program...examples: http://www.metasynth.com/BRYCEART/PAGES/galleryBryce.html
Bryce Hughes
{K:2957} 7/28/2002
for such a high degree of dificulty, i wouldn't be too worried about the exposure, it looks damn fine, love the flames at the back, brilliant colours against the body of the plane and sky
ummmm......whats a bryce image?
Barry Tipping
{K:959} 7/28/2002
This is a great shot! I wish the shock diamonds were a little more prounounced...but the composition and color make it look almost like a Bryce image or special effect. Nice work!
John Myers
{K:4308} 7/28/2002
this is great. i love how you were able to catch the jet flame in the back.
Terrence Kent
{K:7023} 7/28/2002
If we only saw the underside of the jet and it was entirely backlit then you'd have the option of exposing to put detail in that area, but as is I see the topside of the craft looking about as exposed as it should be - so in this instance I don't see any problem with the exposure, it's not as if there's some beastly flash you could have used to fill this scene, heh. Great shot~
Ron Browne
{K:1282} 7/28/2002
Jason, Know exactly what you mean! One of these years I want to make a pilgramage to Farnbourough. I have to tell you, this is one of the nicest photos of the Eurofighter in action I've seen so far.
Jason Row
{K:134} 7/28/2002
Hi Ron. Thanks for the comment. Re the Canard, the original has more detail but a much flatter sky. I have used artistic licence to make the sky a little more dramatic at the expense of overal detail in the aircraft. Also with the aircraft being black and a very bright sky its very difficult to judge a good compromise exposure.
Ron Browne
{K:1282} 7/28/2002
Hi Jason, Enjoying your fighters. This one is very nicely caught at a critical moment, low and slow, high angle of attack and punching the afterburners. Good job, but I'm wondering if there's a little more detail available on your digital neg regarding the bottom of the plane? I can barely make out the left side canard (a very distinctive feature), at least on my monitor. Believe me, I know how tough it is to photograph an air show and you've done a great job here. Nice work!