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Image Title:  talk | to | me -
Favorites: 2 
 By: Uwe Bachmann  
  Copyright ©2003

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Photographer  Uwe Bachmann {Karma:10222}
Project #16 Poetry in Pictures Camera Model Casio QV-3500EX
Categories Abstracts
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Uploaded 8/27/2003 Film / Memory Type Digital
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About My first try to create pictures to some of my favourite was made out of two fotos of two graffitis on a telecommunication switchbox... (sorry, don't know the correct word in english I guess)...

This one is by Peter Gabriel:

"The wretched desert takes its form, the jackal proud and tight /
In search of you, I feel my way, though the slowest heaving night /
Whatever fear invents, I swear it make no sense /
I reach through the border fence /
Come down, come talk to me /

In the swirling, curling storm of desire unuttered words hold fast /
With reptile tongue, the lightning lashes towers built to last /
Darkness creeps in like a thief and offers no relief /
Why are you shaking like a leaf /
Come on, come talk to me //

I did not come to steal /
This all is so unreal /
Can't you show me how you feel now /
Come on, come talk to me /
Come talk to me //

The earthly power sucks shadowed milk from sleepy tears undone /
From nippled skin as smooth as silk the bugles blown as one /
You lie there with your eyes half closed like there's no-one there at all /
There's a tension pulling on your face /
Come on, come talk to me //

Won't you please talk to me /
If you'd just talk to me /
Unblock this misery /
If you'd only talk to me //

Don't you ever change your mind /
Now your future's so defined /
And you act so deaf and blind /
[And you act so deaf so blind] /
Come on, come talk to me /
Come talk to me //

I can imagine the moment /
Breaking out through the silence /
All the things that we both might say /
And the heart it will not be denied /
'Til we're both on the same damn side /
All the barriers blown away //

I said please talk to me /
Won't you please come talk to me /
Just like it used to be /
Come on, come talk to me //"
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There are 25 Comments in 1 Pages
Elzbieta     {K:3153} 1/28/2006
good image
very creative


Uwe Bachmann   {K:10222} 7/11/2005
thank you very much for your advice cheryl....:-)


Cheryl Ogle   {K:24494} 7/10/2005
Man, so sorry! It's in June. I've been going through every month to tell UF'ers about this... :) It's 12:30 AM.


Cheryl Ogle   {K:24494} 7/10/2005
Uwe - It's in the April or May section - sorry about that.


Cheryl Ogle   {K:24494} 7/10/2005
Uwe - this photo was posted at - on the right, there are Months listed (in Spanish) - yours is in May. Thought you might want to know.
Email this person to have it removed:


Gabriele Pfund   {K:11745} 10/16/2003
Ein sehr guter Ansatz und eine sehr kreative Idee; v.a daß Du weiße "Schatten" oder Konturen genommen hast gefällt mir sehr gut!! ... Doch irgendwas vermisse ich hier, ohne es klar benennen zu können... Ich glaube es ist die Statik der Figuren, die zwar grundsätzlich passend, aber so wie hier dargestellt, mich eine gewisse Spannung vermissen läßt, die im Text (für mich jedenfalls) sehr klar zum Ausdruck kommt... Ja, ich glaube das ist es. Alles in allem läßt dieses Bild viele Assoziationen zu, doch mir persönlich fehlt dieser kleine Touch... Vielleicht fehlt mir persönlich aber auch nur ein Sinn für etwas... ? :((


albireo *   {K:73} 10/3/2003
leider kann ich den text des songs nicht verstehen, so darf ich nur das bild betrachten :-))
kommunikation heute, existiert sie noch?
in beiden köpfen sind wirre gedanken
sie schauen sich an, doch eher befremdlich
sprechen sie die gleiche sprache?
sprechen sie aneinander vorbei?
hören sie das, was der andere sagt? mit den ohren, mit dem kopf, mit dem herzen?
ein bild, das sehr viele gedanken zulässt


Kristina Kohut   {K:49990} 9/13/2003
Hello Uwe, again! Just found out that you are ill... I hope it's not something serious, and that you get well soon! It's so boring to be ill, and so stupid of us to allow us to be! ;-) No, but seriously, I hope you feel better now!


Kristina Kohut   {K:49990} 9/9/2003
Hello Uwe! Long time no see! You don't post much lately... Have you stopped taking photos or are you just working to much? I don't have much time either to post, I've got a new job and it sucks the energy out of me! (But I love this work place!) Anyway, to your photo now... :-) It's really creative and interesting! Good idea and very good, interesting result!


Alberto Agnoletti   {K:12811} 9/6/2003
Excellent work!!!!


Hakan Aker   {K:14146} 9/3/2003
Its a great shot..i love Peter Gabriel also.Regards,H.


T Glow   {K:14955} 8/29/2003
Original... very creative work!!!! Hugs,T.


Uwe Bachmann   {K:10222} 8/28/2003
@Dirck: Thank you very very much...


Dirck DuFlon   {K:35779} 8/28/2003
Uwe: a rough translation of what Stefano is saying (don't hold me to it!) - "The shapes of the human figures give a stylized view of the image that goes beyond the mere truth and reaches to the borders of the metaphysical. The idea of a 'human bust' is very appealing to to me. How have I never made one?"


Robin McAulay   {K:8908} 8/28/2003
beautiful abstract!


Uwe Bachmann   {K:10222} 8/28/2003
Could somebody please so kind to translate what Stefano wants to say? The automatic translation is not very good here I am afraid and unfortunately I don't understand Italian (although I have to learn Latin many years ago in school...;-)....)

Thank you!


Stefano Monari   {K:1175} 8/28/2003
Le sagome delle figure umane danno un quadro stilizzato dell'immagine che esula dalla mera realtà e giunge fino ai confini della metafisica.

Mi piace molto l'idea del busto umano. Come mai quel riquadro?
Ciao, Stefano Monari. Italy


Uwe Bachmann   {K:10222} 8/28/2003
Thank you all for your comments until now...

@Michelle: "shock the monkey" would be great challenge...btw it is a great song, but not one of my top favourites. May be you have an idea to transform it into a picture...?

@Mike: Do they talk or do they kill themselves in silence?

@kat~: Yes, I think the darker part in the left figures head could imagine the pain in his brain. I think you got my obsession here...he begs the right one to talk.


kathleen fonseca   {K:11992} 8/28/2003
You have successfully illustrated this song, Uwe, as so well said by Mike. i feel isolation even in their proximity. Tones are very good although i?d like to see some evidence of data in the brightness of the right hand figure. The darker part of the head of the left figure looks like his brain, as if he?s the narrator, imploring the rather vacant looking figure on the right to please, please talk to him. Very well done illustrative image.


PK- Photos PK- Photos   {K:13099} 8/28/2003
this graffiti tells the story.....its wonderful to the lyric by Peter Gabriel.
Great abstract work, my compliment :)
best regards, Pia


Frank Bob   {K:634} 8/28/2003
Good photografic work!!! Congrats Uwe!


Tiro Leander   {K:19060} 8/28/2003
Great. already looking forward to the next one :-)


Kim kyungsang   {K:14135} 8/28/2003
wonderful composition ABSTRACTS!


Mike Frakes   {K:3349} 8/28/2003
I like it Uwe, some of the words of that song go well with this piece, the grit from the swirling storm on the left image, the white silhoutes lit by lightning and the slight feel of movement. The two images together, but you don't know if they are talking..


michelle k.   {K:16270} 8/28/2003
ooooooooooooooo i like. shock the monkey next !!!!!!




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