The Sumerian goddes, Wife of Enlil.Mesopotamian goddess, the consort of the god Enlil and a deity of destiny. She was worshiped especially at Nippur and Shuruppak and was the mother of the moon god, Sin (Sumerian: Nanna). In Assyrian documents Belit is sometimes identified with Ishtar (Sumerian: Inanna) of Nineveh and sometimes made the wife of either Ashur , the national god of Assyria, or of Enlil, god of the?
moim zdaniem jedna z lepszych twoich prac, ktore jesli mam przyznac w duzej mierze nie odpowiadaja mojemu gustowi... ta jednak jest lepsza chociaz nie doskonala... gdyby ja odpowiednio edytowac moglaby byc duuuzo lepsza, ale podoba sie i niech tak zostanie
only background was combined with the portrait ... but I see that this serwer lost Quality of this Phoyo - here You have the original -