Maja Gligoric
{K:13528} 9/12/2004
Extra ordinary landscape!You really have amazing collection of landscape here. Regards
Jan Symank
{K:22030} 10/5/2003
The contrast just before a storm is one of the best moments, but then we have to run. Thanks for your beautiful picture, Jan
ken krishnan
{K:19102} 10/4/2003
Thats a nice contrasting image. very nice.
sahin s
{K:1872} 8/30/2003
very beautiful composition and colors, good work
Mostafa Abulezz
{K:4849} 8/29/2003
Carolyn Wiesbrock
{K:14051} 8/29/2003
beautiful contrast and depth of field..wonderful sky
Vincent K. Tylor
{K:7863} 8/29/2003
Simple yet dramatic lighting and capture. The contrasts here in this one image are captivating to say the least. Simply beautiful!
Marek Waskiel
{K:190} 8/29/2003
Wonderful picture!congrats!
John Myers
{K:4308} 8/29/2003
beautiful light, contrasts, and colors. a very rich and warm photograph.
ventrix drogo
{K:65398} 8/29/2003
Bella immagine, il contrasto tra la roccia e il cielo tempestoso mi piace molto, belli i colori caldi e morbidi. Ciao
Paolo Barthelemy
{K:25552} 8/29/2003
Really stunning shot! I like the composition and the contrast between the warm tones of the rocks hit by the sunset and the desaturated dark and dramatic storm clouds. The green spots of the bushes give the final touch. Congrats! Regards, Y.D.
Marie Billing
{K:1620} 8/29/2003
I love the treatment of this. the contrast is very good. I think it could have helped having a little more feathering when selecting. the edges of the hills are a little too sharp.Regards Marie
Nando Mondino
{K:14261} 8/29/2003
An outstanding picture!
Domenico Pescosolido
{K:10022} 8/29/2003
Very nice, very nice contrast and saturation.
Trussov Dima
{K:176} 8/29/2003
great work
Alexey Sapa
{K:27174} 8/29/2003
Well done image! Great! Regards, ALexey
José Eduardo Cruz
{K:13180} 8/29/2003
Very beautifull!!!
Shiv Kumar Surya
{K:17362} 8/29/2003
Nice sharo image. Regards.
Gregory Fiedler
{K:15439} 8/29/2003
Great color and deatil, like the sky work!