Brian Rueger
{K:7341} 2/26/2004
Nice butt!!!
Antonio Díaz
{K:2710} 1/26/2004
I really love the framing, colors and DOF of this shot, they?re great! Just the blonde hair at the corner its a little distracting.. but really really just a little. I still love the shot!!
Ian Crean
{K:14866} 12/4/2003
Cheeky image Joe, now why did I pick this out! It's true it has a nice photographic balance, lines and curves, nice tight ..... er, composition! Seriously, it's a good job. (Way to San Jose? Costa Rica? Yes, it's on La Uruca, taken from the Land Rover dealer there, the little shanty is on the opposite side of the road.) Thx for comment.
Luke C
{K:2105} 11/30/2003
Nice butt :-) I think it captures the given stereotypes of the "female surfur." I live in Daytona Beach, FL and this is a very common image what the surfurs that I see out there. Very good capture, you caught the moment well. Regards, ~Luke
Richard Marriner
{K:6657} 10/23/2003
This is not "just a snapshot". It has a much better eye than that. A great candid moment, seemingly effortless capture.
Alan Orr
{K:9671} 10/1/2003
Nice composition Joe, it puts you there, plus it contains two of my favorite things.
Ahmad malki
{K:1205} 9/30/2003
nice capture well done i like it
al shaikh
{K:15790} 9/24/2003
This is why digital is dangerous.
Jim McNitt
{K:11246} 9/10/2003
Damn, check out those fins.
Pedro Libório
{K:53861} 9/9/2003
well...I like the view.
Akin Ozyazici
{K:4323} 9/9/2003
nice perspective :-), and capture, Regards Akin.
Robson Zumkeller Campos
{K:4071} 9/9/2003
hummm... good composition, great capture ;) very nice shot!
André Bermak
{K:14443} 9/9/2003
Ótimo modo linda captura!!!!!!!
John Barclay
{K:3650} 9/9/2003
This has got to be one of my favorite Surfing images ever! I know nothing about surfing but no foolin' this is great. I think her shrit could have been a different color but other than that I love the composition and unique perspective of this shot.
Natalie Papadopoulos
{K:5247} 9/9/2003
great composition.. different. i really like it.