Oreste Antignano
{K:1898} 9/27/2003
bellissima composizione ed ottima l'idea della scritta in "sovraimpessione". mi piace molto. ciao, O.
Alberto Ferrero
{K:5762} 9/24/2003
Se da grande diventerņ miliardario, giuro che compro tutte le copie di questo film e... le brucio!!!! Ahahah
{K:32791} 9/24/2003
ah "Pirates of the Carribean"
wonderful movie and it has some great lines...but he would remind you that it is "Captain Jack Sparrow." ;)
great comp...
ana ribeiro
{K:21290} 9/17/2003
a good photo of a woman in the seaside !
{K:16195} 9/17/2003
Great quality image. Congrats! Regards, Hayri ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Joksa Juoperi
{K:13473} 9/17/2003
Nicely composed shot with good lighting and colours. Regards, Joksa.
paola f. casali
{K:7301} 9/16/2003
:) Camilla? Bella, ma non ho capito nulla..solo che č dedicata a Carlos Marques! Provala anche in B&W, dovrebbe essere interessante! Bacioni e leggi la postaaaaaaaaaa :))))))
donato r.
{K:16361} 9/16/2003
eeeeeeeeeeee........che dire? 10 piu'! XXX donato
Kaj Nielsen
{K:15279} 9/16/2003
Great idea, excellent compoced, great color........Thanks a lot on your last coment to my foto....regards Kaj Nielsen
altur .
{K:6087} 9/16/2003
Nice composition, beautiful colors. Regards, Alex
Nicola Vassallo
{K:9801} 9/16/2003
ciao kita! bella anche questa. ottima luce calda e bella composizione!! ps- per la mia foto "meeting of looks", sono d'accordo con te...calzini corti orrendi da vietare per legge (specie di quel colore), ma ti dirņ che in fondo quella foto mi piace anche per quello; la trovo molto ironica. Insomma, c'č un ottimo contrasto tra l'aspetto di quel signore (che nemmeno conosco e speriamo che non mi denunci per la legge sulla privacy) e l'eleganza e antica bellezza del resto.
Rui Palha
{K:13624} 9/16/2003
Good and nice idea.
Jose Rasquinho
{K:12128} 9/15/2003
Beautiful! excellent work. Regards.
Mr. Arrey
{K:11516} 9/15/2003
Tomo Radovanovic
{K:12788} 9/15/2003
excellent capture btw. about teardrop... yes, it is real....
Ronny Van Eeckhoutte
{K:12734} 9/15/2003
Doesn't need comments, excellent!
Mįrio Sousa
{K:16985} 9/15/2003
beautiful momment
azza abou seif
{K:157} 9/15/2003
veryyyyyyyyyyy goooooooood wooooooork i like it v.v.v.v.v. much
carlos marques
{K:1422} 9/15/2003
i send you a mail. does camilla like the rolling stones? it seams so, judging by her t shirt. my margarida preffers the U2. youngsters have no sense at all. ;)
Zé Ovo
{K:7579} 9/15/2003
Lindo Trabalho!
lowell whipple girbes
{K:13151} 9/15/2003
so cool !!!!!!
kita mcintosh
{K:18594} 9/15/2003
and the music is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

carlos marques
{K:1422} 9/15/2003
hello again. about the photo "nice to meet you". it has a very simple explanation. the guy portraied is an actor. many photos that i have are from plays.(namely the last one) that fellow in particular is impersonating a medieval character. the beggar. it was taken a year ago in S. maria da feira a very old town 6 km from my house. every year there is an reconstruction of the medieval fair with lots of action. i do not put descriptions in my photos just because people do not have interest and time to reed all this. and now...a photo of me. ;) i told you i am crazy.

kita mcintosh
{K:18594} 9/15/2003
I advise everybody to go see that film.......

Alberto Ferrero
{K:5762} 9/15/2003
Č la didascalia pił difficile da leggere che mi sia mai capitata, in compenso la foto č magnifica; sarą anche merito della modella?
luisa vassallo
{K:28230} 9/15/2003
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 9/15/2003
ciao un'ottima foto e un bellissimo film.. sono d'accordo! molto ben costruito/a... bravo anche jhonny deep! lo riguarderei e anche la tua foto! buona giornata
carlos marques
{K:1422} 9/15/2003
to me????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh my god! what have i made to be honoured in such a way? i'm just the village idiot arround here... thankssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss the text in the sand is extremely beautifull in what regards the plastic construction. it becames a drawing. and that fellow, of my photo, is not me. i'm pretty uglier and completely mad. i can put a photo of mine arround here but there is the ultimate danger of diseases of all kinds my image will spread.
Legolas .
{K:3947} 9/15/2003
ciao Kita, bellissima foto, č bello il film?