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life beams
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Image Title:  life beams
Favorites: 4 
 By: luisa vassallo  
  Copyright ©2003

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Photographer luisa vassallo  luisa vassallo {Karma:28230}
Project #3 The Intimate Portrait Camera Model fujifilm FinePix S304
Categories Children
Film Format
Portfolio children
Uploaded 9/16/2003 Film / Memory Type  
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 1026 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/0
Critiques 68 Rating
/ 55 Ratings
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There are 68 Comments in 1 Pages
donatella tandelli   {K:1376} 4/12/2008
bell'interpretazione grafica.
Molto azzeccata molto riuscita


Peter Domotor Peter Domotor   {K:1854} 2/25/2004
Hello Luisa,

what an excellent composition and the grainy effect is perfect.

you have a lot of noble frames in your portfolio. Congratulations!



Roy V Roy V   {K:13082} 12/11/2003
Beautiful Photo! "Stunning background"


Uwe Noelke   {K:277} 11/12/2003
ver good composition. Nice moment. Interessting mude.


David Yates   {K:4698} 10/30/2003
Love the composition, the girl is beautiful and has a thought provoking expression, the grainy texture works well on the background- overall a really great image!
My only suggestions for improvement would be to lower the noise levels on the darker areas of the girl, particularly her right arm, and add lome light to her eyes. Maybe darken the lower right corner to balance strong lines of umbrella? This photo is good enough to be worth the extra time.

I enjoy your work very much. Thank you for sharing and commenting on my photos.

Ciao, David


Stefan Rohner   {K:4200} 10/21/2003
very good


Kai Aust   {K:330} 10/10/2003
Beautiful portrait.


Antonella Nistri   {K:21867} 10/10/2003
Splendida immagine,colore suggestivo,leggermente granulosa...o è un effetto voluto? Ciao,complimenti,Antonella


Mafalda Machado   {K:835} 10/7/2003
muito bonita! gosto disto assim rapado!!


Flavio Ortolan   {K:907} 10/4/2003
Good composition and tones. Nice expression of the little model, well captured. I like the grains too.


ken osborn   {K:2997} 10/4/2003
Luisa - Thank you for the explanation. Yes, your instructions were clear and I even have some dijemry I'd like to try your technique on. I suspect your original is also a wonderful portrait. - Mister Ken


luisa vassallo luisa vassallo   {K:28230} 10/4/2003
I have increased the light, the contrast, desaturato the color and tried the tone brown. Then I have applied an light filter of disturbance with grain. I hope of to have succeeded to explain! Thanks still and welcome in usefilm


ken osborn   {K:2997} 10/4/2003
Luisa - How did you do this? The combination of high key lighting, radiating compositional lines of the umbrella, and young woman's expression are exquisite. Nicely done. - Mister Ken


ppdix  ppdix     {K:17069} 10/2/2003
Ciao Luisa, Meravigliosa la ragazzina.



sami said   {K:712} 10/2/2003
nice girl &color excellent shoot


Marzia Carrada   {K:3225} 9/30/2003
E' un bellissimo ritratto, con un effetto molto originale. Forse di tutto il portfolio è la foto che preferisco


Gary Cardinal   {K:1500} 9/24/2003
One of your best, superb.


kita mcintosh   {K:18594} 9/24/2003
splendido effetto granoso-favolose le linee dellombrello-dritta tra le favorite!


Alexey Sapa   {K:27174} 9/22/2003
Beautiful portrait! Grain, contrast and toning works excellently and makes this image PERFECT! Regards, ALexey


Benedetto Riba Benedetto Riba   {K:15792} 9/21/2003
Ciao Luisa, complimenti bellissimo ritratto.!!!
Tanti saluti


Mostafa Abulezz   {K:4849} 9/21/2003
WOW..Wonderful photo,Great composition and lighting..Great done..
Best regards Mostafa


John Hatziemmanouil   {K:40580} 9/20/2003
Great! Just perfect! Artistically flowless!


Harlan Heald Harlan Heald   {K:15732} 9/19/2003
Beautifully posed, composed, captured and toned! Congratulations on such fine work!!!


Chiara Trincheri   {K:1156} 9/19/2003
Esperimento? Ottimamente riuscito, bel lavoro!!


donato r. donato r.   {K:16361} 9/19/2003
Ciao Luisa
Rieccoti col tuo tema preferito..e riecco un capolavoro!


pippo giuseppe   {K:16421} 9/18/2003
Perfetta!! Il tuo vero stile!!Straordinaria!! Questa si che è una vera fotografia!!COMPLIMENTI Maria grazia


Massimo Di Maggio Massimo Di Maggio   {K:-53658} 9/17/2003
E' stupenda, c'è poco altro da dire... Quando posti delle foto così, ci lasci poco spazio per commentare, mettici qualche bel difettino la prossima volta ;)))) Ciao Max :)


Tommaso Di Falco Tommaso Di Falco   {K:23819} 9/17/2003
Piacevole effetto e bellissima espressione catturata, Luisa.
ciao, Tommaso


Shigeyuki Mohara Shigeyuki Mohara   {K:4753} 9/17/2003
Beautiful Art!! Regards,Shige


Jose Rasquinho   {K:12128} 9/17/2003
Beautiful image!
~Excellent work.


Paolo Barthelemy   {K:25552} 9/17/2003
Lovely high key portrait! Perfect composition with those converging lines in the background that leads to the main, beautiful subject.
Regards, Y.D.


Libero Api Libero Api   {K:12174} 9/17/2003
Stile inconfondibile!


Hayri CALISKAN   {K:16195} 9/17/2003
What a nice composition. Very nice image.
Regards, Hayri


Ronald J   {K:570} 9/17/2003
oh yes! She is a beautiful princess !!!


Nicola Vassallo   {K:9801} 9/17/2003
urca! stai sperimentando eh? continua così, mi piace questa!


Paolo De Maio   {K:34932} 9/16/2003
Splendida per composizione e grana!


Rawabi Al-Nuaimi   {K:15659} 9/16/2003
i LOVE this picture..! very beautiful tones and b&w.. the expression is great and most of all i really like the lines of the umbrella in the background :)
one of my fav.


Amancio Couto   {K:15720} 9/16/2003
I like the grain!...Excellent sepia! Optimo retrato!...congrats Luisa!...regards


Alberto Montagna   {K:338} 9/16/2003
Splendido ritratto e splendida composizione! Saluti.


Leonardo Bosnia   {K:4053} 9/16/2003
Eccellente immagine ...grande! mi piace molto l'effetto della grana.


Orazio Minnella Orazio Minnella   {K:49417} 9/16/2003
Un altro saggio di bravura.Un encomio te lo meriti di tutto cuore.Saluti


cecilia tovini   {K:29423} 9/16/2003
Questo è il concetto di te. Chissà dove è col pensiero! E' un altro piccolo capolavoro e quello che è bello è che anche se spazi sono tutti dei piccoli (o grandi capolavori) Bacio ceci


Tomo Radovanovic   {K:12788} 9/16/2003
beautiful work


cinzia gregorutti   {K:4721} 9/16/2003
porca miseria!!!ma che lavoro,eh?
E' stupenda!ciao!
ps>certo che ero a scuola stamattina...ho anche preso 9 di francese (come ogni anno la prof tira a sorte e sono sempre la prima ad essere interrogata..)!!!


Naty Z   {K:16436} 9/16/2003
favolosa!!! fantastico quel contrasto, quell'incrocio di linee... Uno dei ritratti più originali che abbia mai visto! Sei grande!!


Luisa Azzolini   {K:1555} 9/16/2003
immagine molto bella!


Robert Gaither Robert Gaither   {K:34128} 9/16/2003
Nice grain I think this works well in this image. Excellent composition.


Alberto Agnoletti   {K:12811} 9/16/2003
Brava Luisa!!!
Bellissimo ritratto e ottima lavorazione!
Molto bello l'effetto grana.
Ciao, Alberto


Lucas Macedo   {K:12843} 9/16/2003
Fantastic composition with amazing definition and toning, Luisa! Beaultiful girl's expression. Best regards! ..... Lucas


Samvise Gamgee   {K:1999} 9/16/2003
quale modella migliore per una bella foto????


Marília Ferraz   {K:-4756} 9/16/2003
Cara Luisa, she is just an old princess that, sometimes, comes back to show us beauty and delicacy. Love the sepia tones, the grain and the umbrella, of course. Hugs, Marília


James Berglie   {K:1340} 9/16/2003


Ana Vianna   {K:15270} 9/16/2003
Very beautiful composition! Very well done! :-)))


Diamantino Mendes   {K:12959} 9/16/2003
Great work, Luisa, beautiful expression and effect.
Congrats and regards!


Karen Siebert   {K:12076} 9/16/2003
Neat image Louise. I like the square format and the composition is great. I like this effect.


Francesco Martini   {K:12249} 9/16/2003
E brava Luisa! Uno scatto molto delicato! Bravissima!


Oreste Antignano   {K:1898} 9/16/2003
bellissima, Luisa. certo che tua figlia è molto carina e poi ti asseconda in tutto...


Kaj Nielsen   {K:15279} 9/16/2003
EXCELLENT work, the only thing, it is a bit to bright over all to me??. Regards Kaj Nielsen


Maurilio Ultramari   {K:8200} 9/16/2003
Stupenda Luisa! davero un capolavoro.


Richard Thornton   {K:26442} 9/16/2003
The high key, grain and almost square format make this a unique image.


Sergio M   {K:527} 9/16/2003
Veramente molto bello...brava!


Jim McNitt   {K:11246} 9/16/2003
An enigmatic expression is ever there was one. Reminds me of Mona Lisa! Beautiful!


Tommaso Razzano   {K:8073} 9/16/2003
Complimenti Luisa... Bellissimo ritratto con effetto ... grana ?
Sei proprio molto brava.


Greg Katsoulis   {K:1096} 9/16/2003
Very nice composition. I like the sharp element of the lines against the softness of the girl. The only thing that I am unsure about is that there appears to be some kind of texture over the image. It looks almost like a scan artifact, but you shot digital so I don't know what it is.


Adrian Stocker   {K:587} 9/16/2003
excellent portrait


sahin s   {K:1872} 9/16/2003
good shot


Mário Sousa   {K:16985} 9/16/2003
excellent image


Kim kyungsang   {K:14135} 9/16/2003
Beautiful composition portrait!
best regards




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