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The Beginning of the Storm
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Image Title:  The Beginning of the Storm
Favorites: 5 
 By: Aaron Doss  
  Copyright ©2002

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Photographer Aaron Doss  Aaron Doss {Karma:121}
Project #12 Dramatic B&W Shadows Camera Model Olympus c-700
Categories Film Format
Portfolio travel
black and white
Lens oem
Uploaded 8/15/2002 Film / Memory Type equiv. 100-iso ccd
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 1055 Shutter 1/50
Favorites Aperture 3.5
Critiques 17 Rating Critique Only Image
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About Taken on the beach at Holland. Blue and Red channel noise filtered with Quantum Mechanic and converted to b&w in photoshop using the channel mixer.
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There are 17 Comments in 1 Pages
Joe McCary   {K:3235} 8/26/2002
Aron, nice image, it certinly has impact. I don't think you can look and think what next... But as for film being "better" than digital, nothing is so cut and dry. Lots depend on what kind of film camera and what kind of digital camera...


Aaron Doss Aaron Doss   {K:121} 8/26/2002
I do have some regular film work but not much. Film is too expensive to make it practical for me. I am in the learning stage and Digital allows me to really take a lot of pictures, experiment with composition/creativity.

I do see that film quality is still superior to Digital. Expecially in dynamic range/contrast. I also see the day (in the near future) when digital will clearly be superior to film. But people will still take pictures on film, just because it?s fun to do and it?s the analog counterpart to digital media (much like cd?s vs. records, wordprocessors vs. typewritters, etc..) I will certainly keep my film camera around.

Anyways sorry for the long commentary. I will be posting some of my film work in the next few days.



Gustavo cabrera   {K:8} 8/26/2002
Great picture, have you tried traditional photography instead of digital? if so can you show us some work with film?



000 000   {K:1471} 8/17/2002
Hi Aaron!

I like the B&W better. The colour is also very good


Karen L. Chambers   {K:277} 8/16/2002
I like the B&W much better!!


Aaron Doss Aaron Doss   {K:121} 8/16/2002
Here is the original color picture..


000 000   {K:1471} 8/16/2002
Welcome to Usefilm.

This is beautiful Aaron. The contrast is perfect. But you could crop the right edge, so the one cannot see that white line.
I would also be happy to see the original colour pic.

I am looking forward to seeing more of you arts.

Keep on with the same spirit


jeff lynch jeff lynch   {K:4770} 8/15/2002
I usually don't expect to much from b&w seascapes. Geez...I guess I will have to change that outlook! Great tones and comp here. It really works for me! Nice work.


Sue O'S Sue O'S   {K:12878} 8/15/2002
So dramatic! I love it! Thanks for posting it!


Anne Brown   {K:833} 8/15/2002
absolutely beautiful. Looking forward to seeing more of your stuff! Anne :)


Connie Sunderland   {K:376} 8/15/2002
Dang, that is a cool shot! *s* I love the contrast, the waves just pop and the reflection on the sand... wow... perfect :)


Aaron Doss Aaron Doss   {K:121} 8/15/2002
Thanks for everyone's comments. I am glad people like this pic, it's one of my favorites. I had thought about placing the sun more in the left 1/3 of the composition to avoid a static feel, but I think the rough waves and contrast override that feeling.

I really like the idea of this webpage. Some of the advice I have read in general has definitely made me a better photographer.




John Charlton   {K:5595} 8/15/2002
Don't you hate when that happens. "Now! Why now?" you say to yourself. Hope she forgave you, but with that title, who knows. In any case, this is a brilliant photograph and a wonderful first post. Welcome aboard.


Autumn Ruhe   {K:993} 8/15/2002
very nice, i like the sharp contrast and the crisp focus. beautiful.


John Myers   {K:4308} 8/15/2002
whoa...this is awesome! i don't think i have seen anything quite like this. i really like it a lot.


Karen L. Chambers   {K:277} 8/15/2002
This is simply amazing!!! Great Shot!!! The only thing I would do is crop the right side where you can see the edge of the photo!!


Aaron Doss Aaron Doss   {K:121} 8/15/2002
I have spent hours on this site looking at everyone?s photos. This is my first image posting to this board, I would appreciate any tips/comments.

This photo was taken just before a storm on a beach near Scheveningen. I was having dinner in a cafe with my beautiful fiancé when I saw this sunset outside. I had to run out on dinner and take several exposures.





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