Alan Orr
{K:9671} 9/22/2003
Is that chopped onion in there ? Because that will seriously effect my rating. Meat sauce? I have to know. Depending on the extras this could be all sevens. Other than that better light and focus could help.Great subject though. It goes right to the core of my emotions.
ken krishnan
{K:19102} 9/22/2003
Don't mind the critques Ricardo! - right now I could do with one of those and I damn hungry. Nice one.
Teunis Haveman
{K:53426} 9/22/2003
Elisangela Sousa
{K:388} 9/22/2003
Concordo um pouco com o Brando... só troco o péssimo por ruim.... Mas o hotdog estava realmente mto bom....
Kim Culbert
{K:37070} 9/22/2003
I'm not sure what you are trying to show with this image... but I find it not very appealing. The lighting seems very flat and dark, taking all the texture out of the hotdog and the bun. Not knowing what your set up was I don't know really how to critique, but I would say, try this again, at your house, use lamps and such to get the lighting how you want it... milk the texture for all it's worth. as well, the angle adds to the flatness of the image... putting it on a bit of an angle will jazz up the image, making it more appealing to look at. Food images are hard to make look sexy and appealing.... keep trying though!
Carlos Brando
{K:4637} 9/22/2003
hummmm... caramba! A foto é péssima (estou bravo com vc) mas o cachorro-quente... hummm...