Just a tractor found outside Scotland Neck, NC. I used my 20mm prime as I had only a foot of space between the tractor and a ditch. If I had shot with any of my other lenses, I'd have had the ditch in the forground.
I used the B+W circ. warming polarizer to bring out more of the sky and those wonderfully textured clouds, as well as add some warmth to the tractor and overall scene (it was late in the morning, and the sun was sidelight, but still harsh. I tried my best to compose to take advantage of the overall scene. I set exposure compensation to -.5 then bracketed around it, but -.5 seemed best to me.
Nikon N80 in Aperture Priority Mode Nikkor 20mm f/2.8 D AF Fuji Velvia 100F Shutter: 1/60; Aperture: f/22 Exposure Comp: -.5 Shot on tripod
Any advice/observations to improve such shots are welcome. -- Rod :)
Very nice. I would rather see the top of the tractor not mesh with the horizon, but rather break the horizon line. Colors and cloud development are great!