{K:8657} 4/1/2004
she is like miss world great photo well done
Kristina Kohut
{K:49990} 1/4/2004
Hello again Stefan! To show that I really liked this shot I have downloaded it and tried to make it sharper in photoshop with more focus on eyes etc. I got carried away and played around with your photo. If it's better or not I have no idea, but it's different and I hope you like it! :-)
Kristina Kohut
{K:49990} 1/4/2004
More sharpness and focus in the the eyes would be excellent, but I still enjoy this photo because it's a beautiful expression you captured! Wonderful light which makes her eyes sparkle, and she has a very cute kind of shy smile. Tones are beautiful and I agree with Mark that this timeless feeling really adds so much.
Mark Beltran
{K:32612} 10/6/2003
I like the look of it being unplanned, as you can see the edge of the white background. She looks very relaxed, and naturally beautiful. Another thing I like about it is the timelessness. This could have been made 50 years ago.
Kim kyungsang
{K:14135} 9/29/2003
good expression capture!
xy x
{K:41915} 9/26/2003
beautiful smile, lovely portraits, nice work
oeyvind toft
{K:307} 9/26/2003
Wonderful girl, beautiful smile, good setting, BAD focus. A promising motif sadly ruined. But you have a great model there and I hope to see more SHARP images of her soon. (The dark area to the left doesnt distract me. I think it balances the composition).
PS! To Stefan and Michael: PLEASE do your writing in english. The translation stinks and you two guys seem to have a jolly entertaining fight going!! )
Pieter Visser
{K:1582} 9/26/2003
The picture is very out of focus for me... and the thing in the left of the picture should have been cropped out.
Michael Grimm
{K:51} 9/26/2003
Jaja, fragt sich wer hier Problemchen hat. Also Deine Bilder sind echt schei... und scheinbar kannst Du mit Kritik nicht umgehen. Meine Bilder als sexistisch abzustempeln hat wohl kaum etwas mit konstruktiver Kritik zu tun. Seis drum, bleib dabei dieses Bild ist super schlecht.
Nish Sivakumar
{K:378} 9/26/2003
Her hair color seems to blend in with the background. Perhaps it might have been a better idea to use a darker color for a background. There also seems to be an overall blurriness which might have been a result of camera-shake.
I also find that dark shape, whatever it is, at the left of the picture quite distracting and taking the focus away from the central object - the woman.
Just my two cents of course.
Regards Nish
Michael Grimm
{K:51} 9/26/2003
Schlechter geht es wohl nicht mehr, unscharf bis zum abwinken, das Modell hat wohl einen anspruchsvolleren Fotografen verdient