Bright Red
{K:81} 7/21/2006
Dan Samoila
{K:715} 11/25/2003
Flawless! Great comp.
{K:5996} 11/7/2003
Piotr Bozejewicz
{K:298} 10/28/2003
Najpierw mnie korcigo obci?ĉ do ?rodkowego kwadratu, ale jednak nie...
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 10/25/2003
stunning persperctive.superb.
Tiro Leander
{K:19060} 10/20/2003
This has such a great atmosphere... the lighting, darkness, and the tones makes this picture special. I like the motiv too... inventive and clever work. Congrats. :-)
Marcio Cabral
{K:12496} 10/19/2003
Excellent light and comp Kala!! Regards!!
. .
{K:16329} 10/18/2003
Apprehension! Good image!
Louis and Melanie
{K:827} 10/17/2003
whoa cool, great perspective and everything, this is wonderful
Robin McAulay
{K:8908} 10/17/2003
i love this - necessary..
Tomo Radovanovic
{K:12788} 10/17/2003
well seen great atmosphere best regards
{K:16195} 10/17/2003
AN excellent composition. Regards, Hayri.
jake griffin
{K:3439} 10/17/2003
complex subject, well captured
Ulf Fċgelhammar
{K:10975} 10/17/2003
Poweful Kala! You put on the pressure here
Music: Steamin? with the Miles Davis Quintet.
Alvin Mak
{K:1737} 10/17/2003
The photo is enchanting! Great job drawing my mind to where the pipes go. Great tones and details. Congrats.
In Transit
{K:29432} 10/17/2003
KT has stated some good points for reference...
this capture deserves to be printed and placed upon a wall...
you have done well!
zosia zija
{K:11106} 10/17/2003
Hakan Aker
{K:14146} 10/17/2003
Excellent Kala
Mário Sousa
{K:16985} 10/17/2003
Excellent photo
Former Member
{K:1287} 10/17/2003
WOW! what an inviorment!! good capture and contrasts! really creepy! me like it alot!!
{K:32791} 10/17/2003
I like this. The lighting is mysterious and I feel that there is a story here that I am reaching for. What do these valves shut-off or turn on? Where am I and what purpose has the place? For some reason I feel that this could be Dr Frankenstein's lab...
Kim Taylor
{K:2816} 10/17/2003
Nicely done image, good contrast and lots of texture to get lost in. There is a real ambiguity as to whether it's a floor or a wall we're looking at and that takes the eye around the image once more in search of the answer. Having three main elements is good but unfortunately they're in an almost straight line which isn't very dynamic. I can't think of a better way you could have shot them though, and you've made the best decision you could on composition with the pipes converging at the top of the image to add movement. I wonder though if you might want to try cropping from the top and put the valves in the centre of the image. That would cut off the brackets in the wall at the top which are complicating the composition and catching the eye as it moves upward.
Marita Toftgard
{K:691} 10/17/2003
Grrrreat tones!!! and fascinating in all Mita
Petros Stamatakos
{K:12101} 10/17/2003
Your choice to use a wide angle was smart. You've captured womderful texture, and you've composed this very well. The muted mid-tones add to the overall mood quite nicely.
Very nice work Kala. I'd be proud of this one :-)
Pedro Libório
{K:53861} 10/17/2003
great perspective!!! ..and the tones always enchants my eyes! ;-*