I heard it is one of the best in the world, Endless Escalator, 70+ meters high or more, and very well advertising branded. I love the lines in all directions, and the man (on the left) as the sign says exactly. Didn't touch the colors by the way
Thank you Terrence for you critic, this is what I like about this site, to share the pictures, and learn from the experts... and I appreciate your re-cropping. I attached here the original photo, before I crop it. You may feel free to get the "symetirca" crop, even though that I thought it is not advised to have such symetry in a picture, to make it more dynamic.... anyway, I'm still learning a lot from all the great isnpiring pictures posted here.
Think this would be more effective as a symetrical image, but failing that id use the other standard tricks, ie foreground exaggeration, by moving closer and lower to one of the signs, aiming up as much as is reasonable. B&W/ removing the guy on the left could also help. Great concept, here's my rendition