Vlad P.
{K:1477} 10/24/2003
Looks nice.
rory rory
{K:1840} 10/24/2003
Excellent idea Stuart..! Beautiful colors... good job. Bye rory
Teunis Haveman
{K:53426} 10/24/2003
Stuart, beautiful colour Teunis
Aleksandra Zvonar
{K:4623} 10/24/2003
wow, beautiful image, good idea for usinf the flood filter. great work!
Stuart Boyle
{K:1505} 10/24/2003
Hi Diana thanks for the comments. Yes I did use a flood filter in PS. The bottom half of the leaf was slightly blurred and twisted so I thought I could make a reasonable picture with the top half as the colors and detail seem good.
John Reed
{K:6994} 10/24/2003
I like this photo very much too. Really nice colors, reflections, DOF, everything about it is good. Great job!
Diana Cornelissen
{K:26437} 10/24/2003
Hello Stuart, I am very charmed about this photo. Great colours and wonderful reflections. Did you do any editing in PS? My best regards, Diana.