Aiman Nassar
{K:11961} 10/12/2002
What a picture, I enjoy it as you say... I was thinking of cropping it a bit from top and left, raising the horizon line a bit higher... but I don't think it will add or take of that great one. Thank you for sharing it with us
Phillip Filtz
{K:1792} 10/10/2002
I'm busted, I'll have to admit. I usually bump the saturation in different colors on all my sunsets to get the desired look I'm looking for. I don't shoot alot of stuff outside the studio, but I've been going to this area near home off and on for a month now, when time permits.
Funny thing happened last night. A young lady was in the shop talking about her wedding coming up next year in which I'm going to shoot. She told me that if her future husband ever spoke to me about birthday presents and such, she would like a couple of the sunsets I've taken lately.
Didn't expect that. I have around 5 in my office, and I enjoy them throughout the day.
Glad you all enjoy it.
Kevin Greggain
{K:2572} 10/9/2002
I'll second that. And I think the reeds in the front are perfect. It's borderline busy but I see 3 main horizontal seperations (light vs dark) that guide my eyes along the image. It's very esthetically pleasing..
I'm going to swing my opinion bat and assume there's some Photoshop flavoring in there..
Chris Whaley
{K:3847} 10/9/2002
Beautiful shot Phillip.
Joffre Swait
{K:626} 10/9/2002
Very beautiful image, Phillip. While at first glance it seemed a bit busy around the edges, the reds and oranges just made me forget about that stuff! Congratulations.