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Terre libre
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Image Title:  Terre libre
Favorites: 0 
 By: Christian Barrette  
  Copyright ©2003

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Photographer  Christian Barrette {Karma:21125}
Project N/A Camera Model Nikon F80
Categories Landscape
Film Format
Portfolio A03
Lens Sigma D aspherical 28-70 mm
Uploaded 11/17/2003 Film / Memory Type Agfa Vista 200
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 647 Shutter n.a.
Favorites Aperture n.a.
Critiques 15 Rating
/ 7 Ratings
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About Earth at rest.
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There are 15 Comments in 1 Pages
Tim Bowman   {K:1481} 1/25/2004
very nice composition. have you tried it as a panoramic, might lack though i guess as the clouds a cool in shot. still could be worth a play. Also maybe you could have changed you angle, gotten low to the ground or high up. looks like it was taken at normal eye height, though i'm probably wrong. very nice shot.


Titia Geertman   {K:5582} 11/30/2003
I like this photo very much, could have been taken at my place, except for the mounains and the colour of the soil, we don't have that 'red' coloured soil.

I tried to look at the B&W photos, but when I click on them, they won't show in the pop up screen. Don't know why.



Mike Marcotte   {K:3948} 11/20/2003
I've often thought about it that way myself. The earth needs time to rest, that's why we have winter. What disturbs me about this picture is something I see all too often in these parts[although less & less over the years], and that is Fall plowing. Over the winter these fields may be frozen & covered with snow,but in Spring when the dryer winds blow, what's left of the top-soil gets blown away. I've seen it drifted like snow. Newer farming tecniques are slowly coming, but change is hard sometimes. My god, I'm running off at the key pad. At any rate I think this is a good image. The horizon is well placed & that dirt road leaves a lot to the imagination. Also, it was nice of the clouds to show up for you.


Christian Barrette   {K:21125} 11/18/2003
I like it Matej. Interesting difference between the harsh contrast on the ground with the softness in the sky. The total contrast is a lot stronger than the original scene, but it is a powerful interpretation. It is particularly good in revealing more of the mount on the far right.


Matej Maceas Matej Maceas   {K:24381} 11/18/2003
How about this?


Christian Barrette   {K:21125} 11/17/2003
Just to go a little further, here's a ttritone version with the clump cled out.


Don Loseke Don Loseke   {K:32503} 11/17/2003
The harvest is over and now waiting for spring and another season. Nice perspective of space. Don.


Christian Barrette   {K:21125} 11/17/2003
Thank you Matej,
I will work on a B&W version ; I agree that the colours don't add much information. I stood with the coloured one mainly because of the soil hues that contribute to the mood.
The scenery called me because it evoked emptiness. More than anything, the center of focus would have to be the horizon. The mount on the right caught my attention too. It will be a ski center in a few weeks, but by now, it shows its scars, much like the ploughed field.
The clump on the left, at the end of the path is actually made by a projection in the alignment of posts. You are right though that it is distracting. I will take it out in the B&W version.


Tomo Radovanovic   {K:12788} 11/17/2003
well done
beautiful image


Matej Maceas Matej Maceas   {K:24381} 11/17/2003
My eye craves a point of focus. The spot on the horizon at the end of the road was one candidate, but there is nothing there (well, there is a small bump on the horizon, but I cannot recognize what it is). Also the strong side placement of the road suppresses its importance. So in the end, it is the mountain in the background on the right that grabs my attention most. To what extent does this correlate with your intentions?

I think the good, cloudy sky and the texture of the ploughed field would make this photo look good in B&W. The photo already mainly consist of only two colours, so a switch to B&W would not lead to any significant information loss.


Jani Salvataggio   {K:27283} 11/17/2003
very good landscape, good composition!


B:)liana    {K:30945} 11/17/2003
wonderful solitary view. great work :-)


Afriadi Hikmal Afriadi Hikmal   {K:2216} 11/17/2003
Great view...


Raymund Macaalay Raymund Macaalay   {K:7218} 11/17/2003
Wow very minimalistic, Excellent composition, Clean and Neat Image, Wonderful Job Christian


NN  NN     {K:26787} 11/17/2003
A good title for this view ... thanks Christian. I like it!!!




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