Hanna Segal
{K:13469} 12/6/2003
So this is the pic which inspired Cherie to do her fab shots with the red painting. I guess we should thank you twice for this: first because it is beautiful rust pic and second because you're cool inspiration to others.
ana ribeiro
{K:21290} 11/21/2003
here i see it orange with smal red draws !!!
Tiro Leander
{K:19060} 11/20/2003
and warm....
Jani Salvataggio
{K:27283} 11/20/2003
very interesting!
Gregory Fiedler
{K:15439} 11/19/2003
The whole world is a photograph, and it is a small world, but I would not want to paint it! Fabio, good eye! Great rusty red color. Wonderful my friend.......
Dubravko Grakalic
{K:25235} 11/19/2003
perfect abstract!
Masahiko Shibata
{K:14107} 11/19/2003
Jealousy color!Just my feeling,though.Nice expression!
Stefan Engström
{K:24473} 11/19/2003
The world definitely could use some more reds. Closer would be nice too.
Tomo Radovanovic
{K:12788} 11/19/2003
nice textures rgds
Cherie Spike
{K:-21959} 11/19/2003
Wonderful stuff Fabio - many compliments! I have a big painting on my wall like this with 4 brass squares in the middle (sounds awful but it's a beautifl abstract believe me!) - so this caught my eye straight away. Congrats on a cool image again. Cherie
mustafa ilker helvacioglu
{K:3825} 11/19/2003
interesting abstract. well done!
Rhonda Prince
{K:17687} 11/19/2003
Isn't it amazing what you can see in rust?
Tania Lee
{K:131} 11/19/2003
lovely :)
Mr. Arrey
{K:11516} 11/19/2003
nice texture.
Hakan Aker
{K:14146} 11/19/2003
Good abstract shot Fabio...Regards,HakaN.