Marta Pereyra
{K:5029} 12/1/2003
Hola! Seguí tus pasos y me puse el lazo :p
Creo que la gran cantidad de tonos en blanco y negro es excelente... sin embargo estoy un poco de acuerdo con el comentario que ha hecho Chris.
Para mi gusto, necesita un punto de vista más bajo... es decir... que deberías haberte tirado al suelo y mojarte un poco ;)
Aún así los tonos y el marco, la luz.. en general es preciosa (molto bella).. enhorabuena :)
Alberto Agnoletti
{K:12811} 11/30/2003
Foto molto difficile per l'altro contrasto fra luce ed ombra, ma ben equilibrata! Ottima atmosfera per un bel b/w! Ciao!!!
Eric Yousey
{K:554} 11/26/2003
I like all the contrast that you have going on. Nice composition.
Chris Lauritzen
{K:14949} 11/26/2003
The composition of the image is really nice but I am being distracted by the huge bright spot that is the fog. I think because of that I would have choosen a different position from whish to shoot this. Maybe focused on the bridge more, maybe shoot from under it or looking through it.
As far as the conversion to B&W goes you did a fine job here. I would dodge the bridge more to bring out more detail in the stone and maybe dodge the water more.
Mr. Arrey
{K:11516} 11/26/2003
At it is really nice. and powerful.