Rawabi Al-Nuaimi
{K:15659} 12/6/2003
great composition and colors.. i love the tones :)
{K:16125} 12/4/2003
Very Beautiful Color..was this a church? This looks very fun to have created very creative....well done! :) Tell me how you did it now..lol
Mirko Saviane
{K:4588} 12/4/2003
Ma lo sai che sei proprio brava con le tue elaborazioni? Pare un quadro questa... molto molto bella! A domenica allora... d'accordo per Vicenza... non sono mai tornato a "memory stick asciutta" da quella città... ;) Ciao!
{K:30945} 12/4/2003
this is so great. I put it in my favorites. thank y ou sweet Naty.
ventrix drogo
{K:65398} 12/2/2003
Elaborazione molto estrosa con un ottimo risultato cromatico. Ciao
Ana Vianna
{K:15270} 12/1/2003
Wonderful golden work, Naty! My regards!
Harlan Heald
{K:15732} 12/1/2003
Magnificent! Such grandeur! Rich tones in a dramatic composition!
lowell whipple girbes
{K:13151} 12/1/2003
wonderful golden colors
Naty Z
{K:16436} 12/1/2003
appunto! >:-[ :))
Massimo Di Maggio
{K:-53658} 12/1/2003
Mi piace come hai fatto il titolo, in queste cose sono piuttosto negato, ammiro la tua fantasia. Ovviamente anche l'immagine è bella, stupenda e misteriosa quella finestra nera che si apre su questo panorama dorato (ma non avevi detto che non vuoi sentir parlare d'oro? ;) ) Ciao notte, a presto!!! Max
John Hatziemmanouil
{K:40580} 12/1/2003
OH MY GOD!!!! One of your best photos Naty....if not the best! What a great presentation for a window. This artwork composed very nicely on this subject. Great colour scales.... brighter and then darker and then again brighter etc etc..... so beautiful contrast. A big bravo!
Gregory Fiedler
{K:15439} 12/1/2003
Naty Z, Oh this is good! Marvelous sky (well done) Great color! The motion on the bricks and wall are wonderful. Love the dark, dark in the window! Really a great image Z! Hope you had a great week end! Sorry to say it is another Monday!:( But it has to pass! ;)Hugs my dear friend=)
luisa vassallo
{K:28230} 12/1/2003
titolo: 10 e lode! Cielo: spettacolare!!! Risultato ... WOW!!
José Eduardo Cruz
{K:13180} 12/1/2003
Interesting and beautifull!!!!!
Libero Api
{K:12174} 12/1/2003
Fantastica, Naty, i miei complimenti!!! (P.S.: forse ci vediamo a Venezia, salutoni!)
Alexey Sapa
{K:27174} 11/30/2003
Hi, Naty! SO wonderfully! Very beautiful tones and composition! You have great art view (and wonderful eyes!)! A.
Amna Al Shamsi
{K:21795} 11/30/2003
Amazing Naty... I really love the golden effect in your recent pictures...Great work!
Mitchell Miller
{K:3009} 11/30/2003
very nicely done!
Hanna Segal
{K:13469} 11/30/2003
Very nice. It's so... I'm really lost for words because I don't want to add someting commonplace. It ceartainly deserves more than "beautiful" or "great". All I can say is that I like the way the light shifts over the building. Sometimes, summer storms bring light like this under the clouds.
Spencer E.
{K:4032} 11/30/2003
I like the effect the stormy sky layer has on your shots. Well done!
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 11/30/2003
ho dimenticato di dirti del titolo.. perfetto... ciao ciao
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 11/30/2003
beh credo di aver capito che il cielo non è "originale" ma la foto è stupend ugualmente!!! ciao mia cara.. sono stato latitante per due giorni ma da domani siorprese per tutti! notte roby
Marília Ferraz
{K:-4756} 11/30/2003
Naty, this looks to me as an Arabian Night. As there is no title at all, I can dream. Of course I will not tell you my dreams but thanks anyway :) Hugs, Marília
Antonio Trincone
{K:23167} 11/30/2003
nice, new (for me) and original effect
Rhonda Prince
{K:17687} 11/30/2003
Like a golden palace... beautiful. Love the sky!
Tiro Leander
{K:19060} 11/30/2003
hehe, ain't it good to have some pics of stormy skies ;-). You certainly have created a style of your own with this series. Don't have to look at the name to see that it's your work. That's very good. :-)
Pedro Libório
{K:53861} 11/30/2003
strange world ... great work! regards.
Cherie Spike
{K:-21959} 11/30/2003
Great stuff Naty!! Love this! the glowing reflections you have there really makes the effect great - like mysterious ghostly shadows... totally cool Yours, Cherie
Emgy Massidda
{K:60358} 11/30/2003
Very nice object, beautiful golden colours I wonder why you changed the sky Ciao!
Alberto Agnoletti
{K:12811} 11/30/2003
Grande!!!!!! Spero di esserwe il primo! ...P.S= per Venezia ci sono buone probabilità....hai gia' tutti i dettagli dell'incontro? Ciao!!