mauri orion
{K:1212} 2/14/2004
ecco qualcosa di simile!... bello scatto e buon colpo d?occhio!
Lee Harris
{K:14694} 1/18/2004
Composition: Not over powering at first, but... it keep drawing me back. Lighting: Excellent. Originality: 7*'s Emotional Appeal: Was slow to grab me, but again... it drew me back to it a few times. Overall: Excellent..7 *'s Focus and DF excellent. Subject well pronounced in a camouflaged way. The eye looks great at this file size.
Sarah Hansegard
{K:4332} 1/15/2004
Marusnik- Too cute! My pups would love this! :) Those little red squirrels are feisty! Great capture of colors here.
Jani Salvataggio
{K:27283} 12/12/2003
great shot!
kár hogy kicsit az ágak takarják, de nagyon jó lett!
István Sándor
{K:2411} 12/3/2003
Nagyszeru sajnos a rozse eltakarja az arcat !
Geza Farkas
{K:12412} 12/1/2003
Nice clear shot. But branches cavers the squirell face, pity!