Adam Kimmerly
{K:382} 10/31/2002
Thanks to you all for the comments. It would have been nice to get a few more shots with, some with more water, and some with more cliffs to see how that changes things. A wider lens might have helped too... I'll have to work on that problem :) I was up on a rock (Flat Rock for you SD folks) to get the slightly elevated position, but could have gone farther out on the rock toward the water which might have improved the reflection off the wet beach. Thanks again for the ideas. ~Adam
Adam E. J. Squier
{K:9803} 10/31/2002
I like the light on this one. It reminds me of the Coaster (commuter train) trip I made from Oceanside to Sorrento Valley each morning. Or, in this case, in the afternoon. I have an image of this same beach from above the cliffs, on the train, in the morning. Not nearly as clear and crisp, but an entirely other feeling altogether: http://www.usefilm.com/showphoto.php?id=11700
It's kind of funny, seeing your name there. Just as I move away from North County, SD, another "Adam" starts posting from San Diego.
Kenneth Kwan
{K:3084} 10/29/2002
Good light! The yellow against blue is very eye-catching. Sharpness is first-rate. I really like the reflection in the water. I'd lower the camera position a little to see if more of the reflection can be caught. Well-done.
Dawna G.
{K:7709} 10/29/2002
beautiful image - the light is great, and I like how the lines of the image take your eye right up the beach.
Deb Mayes
{K:19605} 10/29/2002
Vincent K. Tylor
{K:7863} 10/28/2002
This IS a beautiful area and you have captured it nicely. The use of a polarizor along with Velvia is a strong combination for any landscapes. When the sun is directly behind you as it is here (can see no shadows, so must be directly behind them) Velvia shines like no other in my opinion. Otherwise, it can play tricks on us. The only thing I would probably like to do differently, is to catch the water line a bit higher up. That's just a personal choice of course, but I believe it would balance the image a little bit better. Nice shot here.
Chris Whaley
{K:3847} 10/28/2002
very nice!