This day we went out for a walk to the highest peak of the island. A lot of hikes are made more accessible. For this hike, that follows a crest between two mountains, they build stairs on the most difficult parts. (Me as a mountain climber do not like this. Nature has to stay Nature. I feel sad for the people that do not have the physical and technical ability to go there, but I rather like them watching slides from a mountain than breaking a mountain to peaces so everybody can visit ?. And very often leave some garbage from food and drinks)
Back to the slide: It was very fogy that day. Difficult to shoot slides (and to orientate with the map/compass). I lost a bit of detail in the fog when I did the scan. I like the slide because it brings back the mysterious atmosphere from that day. On the other hand I think this could be done better.
Any suggestions to improve take slides in those circumstances are highly appreciated.