Heloiza Averbuck
{K:2488} 3/21/2009
I love this photo! Sparky is adorable! Great colors:) Hugs, Heloiza
Renato Renato
{K:4759} 11/8/2004
神 風
{K:10665} 2/20/2004
Being a cat lover myself with two named ("Lucky" a 10-year-old British Short Hair & "Happy" an eight-year-old Japanese Calico), ... how can I not like this shot?!?!?!
Gabriella Carta
{K:22879} 12/30/2003
che dolce, sembra avere la matita negli ochhi ahhahahhah.
Benedetto Riba
{K:15792} 12/30/2003
Tenerissima.!!!! Grande dettaglio.
Vicki Bentley
{K:5080} 12/24/2003
Roby, I love him!!! I hope you filled his stocking!! Regards.
ana ribeiro
{K:21290} 12/24/2003
beautyful !!!
Rawabi Al-Nuaimi
{K:15659} 12/23/2003
what a sweet kitty cat.. great lighting and colors :) i love his expression..
Chuck Freeman
{K:13616} 12/23/2003
This GENT (or Lady...) is a perfect model as to what a feline should be. Pretty Kitty...
Elahe S. Ahmadian
{K:8695} 12/23/2003
great shot, so sharp and vivid, and sparky himself is very charming and characteristic cat, give him a big hug for me please.
Augusto Buffa (Ali)
{K:10454} 12/22/2003

Ana Vianna
{K:15270} 12/22/2003
Beautiful cat! Beautiful work! Regards, my friend!
Nick B
{K:870} 12/22/2003
Your 'Sparky' should meet my 'Prowler', I think they would be a lovely couple. Nice expression.
Pedro Libório
{K:53861} 12/22/2003
defenetly...he is cute!!!! regards.
Naty Z
{K:16436} 12/22/2003
che occhi!!! questo Sparky č bellissimo! ma dimmi, quando ne coccoli uno, gli altri sei non sono gelosi??? :)) Ciao!!
Lucas Macedo
{K:12843} 12/22/2003
Fantastic sharpness and details, Roberto! A very merry Christmas and great 2004 to you, my friend! Best regards! ..... Lucas
Paolo Barthelemy
{K:25552} 12/22/2003
Splendido ritratto del tuo primo micio. Bellissimo sguardo catturato ed ottimamente calibrato il colpetto di flash che illumina il musetto senza togliere il fascino del controluce. Ciao, Paolo
Roger Cotgreave
{K:15892} 12/22/2003
different eyes than my dog, she had sad eyes because she new she was about to be hosed down with clean water...lovely shot Roberto and thanks for all your encouragement...have a good Xmas, regards roger
Tommaso Razzano
{K:8073} 12/22/2003
Bellissimo micione. Scatto assolutamente "delizioso" ciao. Tommaso.
Antonella Nistri
{K:21867} 12/22/2003
Stupenda....e che occhi magnifici!!!! Ciao Roby,con affetto Antonella
Salvo Valenti
{K:17038} 12/21/2003
Roberto molto bella, i tuoi gatti sembrano che siano stati addestrati per fare i modelli ciao salvo
Abeer Al Jarsh
{K:10209} 12/21/2003
mew sparky
heheheh am saying hi too her well done
Eduardo Bernardes
{K:8999} 12/21/2003
With certainty this pretty face is of one of its seven cats. Very pretty! Also I placed it in my list of friends. Its portfolio is very pretty. Regards, Eduardo
Emgy Massidda
{K:60358} 12/21/2003
Uno dei sette o degli otto? Ottima posa, dettagli molto chiari. Gli occhi sono di un colore e una bellezza particolare. Sembra che siano truccati di matita nera. Uno scatto fenomenale, Roby! Cari saluti e un abbraccio
Diana Cornelissen
{K:26437} 12/21/2003
Great lightning Roberto! My compliments! Regards, Diana.
Jan Symank
{K:22030} 12/21/2003
Beautiful portrait of Sparky ! Very well done Merry Christmas, Jan
luisa vassallo
{K:28230} 12/21/2003
Wow che sguaro serio!! Che occhi!!!
John Hatziemmanouil
{K:40580} 12/21/2003
Hallo Roberto. Lovely cat. Ok....this shot isn't the easiest ever. The white part of the can is very difficult. I know it. Shining a lot and lost the details. Not big deal my friend, I also have this problem with...my can. Anyway, lovely one.
Nicola Vassallo
{K:9801} 12/21/2003
an vedi che sguardo penetrante! Ciao robi robi, salutami sparky e buone feste (ma ci sentiamo ancora vero?)...
Rob Ernsting
{K:8899} 12/21/2003
Hypnotizing skewy eyes. Good work.
Alexey Sapa
{K:27174} 12/21/2003
Hi, Roby! Great!!!! Such beautiful eyes and wonderful glance! GREAT CAT! Lovely portrait! Like it very much, just perfectly done, Roby! My best wishes, friend! Alesha.
Massimo Di Maggio
{K:-53658} 12/21/2003
Quando dici "gatto", non puoi pensare che ad una faccia come questa!!! L'espressione e lo sguardo (che occhi!!!) la dicono lunga su chi č il padrone in casa tua! Stupendo ritratto di in micio fantastico (speriamo non si offenda se lo chiamo cosě...). Ciao e grazie di questa bella foto, Max
xy x
{K:41915} 12/21/2003
cute and sweet Sparky, excellent cat portrait, great expressions and wonderful eyes, perfect work, congrats, best regards
Mário Sousa
{K:16985} 12/21/2003
Fantastic photo
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 12/21/2003
beliissimo scatto.complimenti.
simon wootton
{K:2542} 12/21/2003
Great eyes. The shadow is a little off putting and the white fur has blown out and lost a little detail. All in all a lovely cat and a good portrait. I take lots of pictures of our little ones and know how difficult it is to control the flash and keep the cat still. Well done.
Orazio Minnella
{K:49417} 12/21/2003
Bellissimo micio. Ciao Roby.
jon parsons
{K:13639} 12/21/2003
Roby, what an absolutely gorgeous cat with the most beautiful Gold eyes I think I have ever seen! beautiful shot....jon
Kristina Kohut
{K:49990} 12/21/2003
Excellent, Roberto! Those eyes look really cool, it's a wonderful cat and lovely cat portrait! Merry Christmas to you too!
{K:26787} 12/21/2003
Wow ... great eyes :)
Caprice Duvent
{K:3998} 12/21/2003
very nice composition Roberto ! Regards Caprice
Teunis Haveman
{K:53426} 12/21/2003
Roberto, beautiful sparky Nice cat and colours Teunis