Jo Costanza
{K:371} 9/17/2003
I picked up your name because of an amusing comment you made on someone's photo. You did not disappoint me.
Carlos Carreto
{K:716} 5/15/2003
Rui Palha
{K:13624} 3/22/2003
Well seen, good shot.
Betsy Hern
{K:12872} 11/13/2002
I can see this in a magazine ad for J&B Scotch. I really think you should contact them. This is a real hoot! I love it!
Beverly Gustafson
{K:1572} 11/13/2002
What a great shot! Well seen and captured...gave me a chuckle :-)
Steven B. Poitinger
{K:1757} 11/13/2002
Hilarious! Great eye!
Maarten Venter
{K:885} 11/13/2002
Well done, Andy. This is hillarious!
Sue O'S
{K:12878} 11/13/2002
Andy, that's a riot! Wonderfully trenchant.
Russell Love
{K:7006} 11/13/2002
It speaks for itself! Very funny! Later my friend,
Deb Mayes
{K:19605} 11/13/2002
Wonderful shot - serendipity indeed!
Eric Goldwasser
{K:4294} 11/13/2002
A serendipitous moment! Great shot Andy.
Petros Stamatakos
{K:12101} 11/13/2002
Way too funny!!! Well seen :-)