Shiv Kumar Surya
{K:17362} 8/18/2004
Is this scene on earth or in heaven. Very beautiful. Great capture. Regards, 'Surya'
Yutaka Itinose
{K:22586} 2/28/2004
Beautiful! Interesting photoshop work, nice skill! ???d???É?M?????Ä???g???Ü??B
Pedro Libório
{K:53861} 2/27/2004
the category says all to me... pure poetry to my eyes! regards.
Shiv Kumar Surya
{K:17362} 2/26/2004
Very beautiful winter shot. As you say this is PS work. Then it is really a fantastic art work. Also suprizing to me. I don't know the trick how to change a simple summer shot into winter shot. Marvellous!! Congrates.
Thanks for visiting my portfolio after a long time. Regards, 'Surya'
Kristina Kohut
{K:49990} 2/26/2004
Haha... so creative to just "change" weather like that! ;-) But it was a really good idea, it looks great! Wonderful work!
luisa vassallo
{K:28230} 2/26/2004
fantastic! Incredible photo!!!
Jani Salvataggio
{K:27283} 2/5/2004
amazing capture!!!!!!! wonderful work!!!! excellent details, fantastic colours! regards Jani
Harlan Heald
{K:15732} 2/3/2004
Beautiful! Just the right touch of red to accent this lovely landscape.
Emgy Massidda
{K:60358} 2/2/2004
Beautifully composed. I think I've seen this temple before, inoone of your previous submission. I love this image. Amazing contrat of the red to the white snow Fantastic capture
Carlos Brando
{K:4637} 1/21/2004
excelente imagem. parabéns!
Katrin Aasa
{K:740} 1/15/2004
Very good PS work.It seems quite real.I like very original shot.Superb red and green contrast!
Marcio Cabral
{K:12496} 1/13/2004
Excellent comp, colors and textures Shige!! regards!!!
Dubravko Grakalic
{K:25235} 1/12/2004
great PS work!
donato r.
{K:16361} 1/11/2004
Splendida composizione! ciao donato
Graciela Pierre
{K:7318} 1/10/2004
Very well done! If I hadn't read your explanations, I'd have thought it was a winter scene. Congratulations!
Jan Symank
{K:22030} 1/8/2004
Hi Shige
This is a beautiful winter scenary and I like the red elements in contrast to the snow. Also the composition is great. It looks like real winter. Jan
Sachiko Kanasashi
{K:3025} 1/6/2004
great winter,I never seen!!!beautiful!!!It's so warm today.
Tuck Hoo
{K:408} 1/6/2004
Fascinating transformation... the red really stand out among the white. Nicely done, Shigeyuki.
Brent Mills
{K:730} 1/6/2004
When i said the first I meant the original.
Brent Mills
{K:730} 1/6/2004
I wish I was there!!! I really like both photos but i think that I like the first a little bit more simply because the red from the bridge seems a little over-saturated in teh second. Very nice work on both. -Brent
Tomo Radovanovic
{K:12788} 1/6/2004
excellent work regards
Hugo Pierre
{K:15692} 1/6/2004
Good work! I like both pictures, I mean the original and this one. Best regards from Argentina.
metoni .
{K:24727} 1/6/2004
fantastic picture
Shigeyuki Mohara
{K:4753} 1/6/2004
This is a photo before change to the winter scenery.
