Stephen Bivens
{K:7308} 6/14/2004
Hey ! She could be Miss U today !
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 1/10/2004
look my 3? comment... i'm magic! my congrats is very wonderful! roby
Petros Stamatakos
{K:12101} 1/9/2004
Roger Skinner - are you for real??? By the way Roger, I found your autobiography entertaining...
Dave Marquis
{K:2172} 1/9/2004
Nice picture. I love the film grain that you have going on. The model is pretty also.
Dave www.japanish.org
Greg Smereczynski
{K:2278} 1/9/2004
the delicate touch of beauty sound
Brian Wood
{K:9} 1/9/2004
Great photo! Congrats!
Davide Contestabile
{K:4091} 1/9/2004
very nice model and beautiful shot, congrats Davide
Roger Skinner
{K:81846} 1/9/2004
I'm with TWM on this str8 out of the sixties..now I know I am saying I am old but a little research of photography would avoid the reiteration of the notionality of the nude..whatever pitfall. POTD well it just goes to show one man's fish is another man's poisson!
Tom Meyer
{K:3514} 1/9/2004
Sorry Alberto... while you might be an excellent photographer, there's nothing in this image that indicates that. What is indicated in this photo, is that she's a beautiful woman who is well aware of her assets and knows how to use them. Also indicated is that you have enough credibility to make this woman comfortable while you photographer her. Congratulations on whatever you have done to make this situation a reality.
My problems with the image are technical, aesthetic and social. The tonal scale looks accidental (technical) the pose is awkward and those black blobs at bottom left could be easily cropped out (aesthetic) and the breast clenching gesture is a cliche and when matched with her facial expression, seems to imply an odd mix of mental attitude in the model that is confusing in such seemingly a single minded image. Is she stimulating herself in order to appear sexy and sexually available? On the other hand, if she hiding her breasts, why does she have that expression of sexual arousal? (these are my "social" concerns)
I find the image cliche'd and reminiscient of 60's "art" photography that was popular when high speed film was first invented. I'd like to see more of your work, to see if this is a deliberate and typical style for you, or if this is just an example of what you produced under less than perfect conditions... t (p.s. I don't participate in rating photographs)
Also, I just noticed the angle of the shadow on her left knee (on our right). It seems the sun was still pretty high and bright enough to create a shadow despite the cloud cover. I can also see a well defined shadow on the sand. Perhaps I misunderstand your comment about the sun going down early.
Antonio Fonseca
{K:2666} 1/9/2004
Excelente foto, muito sensual e bonita a modelo.
Patrick (Washington, DC)
{K:339} 1/9/2004
I really like the pose and the model, however, the grain throws me of in this particular case.
Bernie Sahadi
{K:411} 1/9/2004
Great shot Alberto! This photo and model remind me of the James Bond 007 girls. I hope you take that as a complement as intended. Very nice work.
Tom Pokusa
{K:586} 1/9/2004
Alberto, congratulations on Photo of the Day. I love everything about this shot, the lighting, the DOF, the model, the pose. The hair on her face and the position of her legs gives a sense of spontaneity. I agree that the grain does add a great mood. Excellent!
jose da silva
{K:213} 1/9/2004
Excelent work!Perferct lighting and moment.. Congratulations.
Natalie Papadopoulos
{K:5247} 1/9/2004
wonderful shot of a gorgeous model alberto.
Mr. Arrey
{K:11516} 1/9/2004
congrats! i like this picture.
Harry Eggens
{K:14804} 1/9/2004
Congratulations being photographer of the day and by having the change to make great shots like this of such very beautiful woman Alberto. Wonderful pose, lighting and tones. Lovely how Alicia's hair is moving around her face....Best regards Harry
Roger Cotgreave
{K:15892} 1/9/2004
cool shot and a good model...roger
Gino Quattrocchi
{K:39580} 1/9/2004
Che fortuna una simile modella...grade foto congratulazioni
A Brito
{K:10699} 1/9/2004
Beautiful, beautiful.... lovely posing, great natural lighting... everything is perfect. I will keep it in my favorites !!!
Pedro Libório
{K:53861} 1/9/2004
my congrats ... wonderful work and special model !!! a great "Photo of the Day" !
Piotr Moszczenski
{K:96} 1/9/2004
Alberto: estupenda foto, llena de sexo, buen gusto y calidad
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 1/9/2004
magnific and congrats for the "photo of the day".. sexy and prefect photo!! roby
now in my friends.list..
Richard Steinbach
{K:80} 1/8/2004
u are one lucky man
RC. Dany
{K:64104} 1/8/2004
No se quien es pero la foto es hermosa y tus arreglo fantasticos . saludos anne...