This is a self portrait of me on a day where I was really depressed. It was also my first day trying out long shutter speeds, and it turned out with the 10 point star on all the street lights. I was really happy about that.
Thanks man. Yea i really like digital. Its very forgiving, so its nice when your a newbie. I have only been doing this since last November. Plus i like how digital can be a one step process instead of a like 3 step with film. cause with film you can mess up on one of the 3 steps exposure, devloping, and processing. I mean i love the clarity of film, just its way to expensive. When i bought a digital camera, i decided that i wanted alot of manual features of a film camera, so i would get shutter and appature. so i got the Kodak DX6490. It was $500 but it was worth the money that i spent for it. One thing that i did, that suprisingly alot of others don't, is i learned every feature and every setting on my camera, so i understood it all. Next kodak didn't have a lens filter attachment thing for my camera, so i couldn't use lens filters... i was mad about this... so i went out and bought a 39-49mm step-up ring and a pop can, (mountain dew and it was quite good). Once i finished that i cut the pop can so it would make a sleve around the barrel of my lens, then i hot glued the step filter on. After it was done, i could now use lens filters, i was really happy. but the only thing i do is leave my camera on manual setting all the time, so i have to set everything myself, and i learn alot. I carry my tripod and lens filters along too. So i hope that answers a bit of what you were wanting. go ahead and e-mail me sometime thanks man, and have a good day.
Love how you got the curvature of the road down I would like to know more about how you work with a digital I have always worked with regular film cameras but I always see that digital always captures great light
i remember when you showed me a different version of this photo. i very much liked it. this one is fabulous as well. i love how it differs from the normal "self portrait." it reminds me of some people in my photography class...for the self assignment, nearly all of them just took photos of themselves in the mirror or with the camera in front of their face. sigh. anyhow, haha, nice job.