It did not create any kind of interest in me and made me think that you were trying to do something with this image, got bored, did not finish it and posted anyway for feedback. So here is my feedback:
My rating was 3 out of 10.
1. Not interesting to look at. 2. Dark and hard to see 3. Color management is bad
Marc Gougenheim{K:5398} 11/24/2002
Hello. I understand your request for an explanation. I haven't rated this picture but I think it is actually pretty bad. The original shot was apparently blur, unless that is the scan, but otherwise ok - quite well composed. The PS work done is the problem mostly for this reason: You seem to have used magic wand to select your areas, and that leads to technically poor results, no matter how you do it. The way to do it well is unfortunately to use pen-tool, which would take ages for such an image. A reasonably ok shortcut to do it (but not good) is to use the magnet lasso to create your selection. Besides that, a simple question would be: why solarize in this case ? What was your intention ? To me, one's intention must be very clear before going into any photoshoping. Maybe we will have other opportunities to discuss filters on this site. I use filters a lot for certain images, but I haven't uploaded these yet. Mostly, with filters, you need either to go for perfect outlines or you just wouldn't want to see much of sharp outlines at all. Here, outlines are sharp and imperfect. Then your intention isn't clear to me. Best regards, and keep the moral up, ok...? :-) Cheers.
There are some people that will rate low and not tell you... I suggest you ignore their ratings.
For this image, I'm wondering why the PS-effect? It doesn't do anything to the image, that I can see. Maybe you were trying to save it, as the real print wasn't great? Can you post the original?
Looks like an interesting reflection, but almost too dark with the solarization. PS can be fun to play with, but the original should be a good picture on its own as well.