Lilywhite Lilith
{K:1809} 2/7/2004
:-) *hugs* liebe gruesse, ekkehard
Ellen Havrilla
{K:8618} 1/20/2004
Wonderfull tree in graet soft-tones. I like it! Regards Ellen
By the way: Did my sister write you about Drente?
Randy Lorance
{K:24769} 1/20/2004
Probably my favorite tree,my grandparents had one very much like this, I also like your 'about' comment.........Randy
Fabio Keiner
{K:81109} 1/20/2004
so listen carefully to him, please! :) very fine
F2f hhf Fhjfxd
{K:1074} 1/20/2004
excellent tones. love the photograph
In Transit
{K:29432} 1/19/2004
May the winds remain calm, and not allow a limb fall upon her home...
Again excellent tone... and a wonderful creation of nature!
Franco Penrosegnhi
{K:52} 1/19/2004
Don Loseke
{K:32503} 1/19/2004
Lovely old tree with nice tones. I see some new borders on the pictures. Great work. Don.