Barry Walthall
{K:5312} 1/21/2004
This is an excellent image,Ed....love the lighting....it really is great!
davide lupo-pasini
{K:8079} 1/21/2004
*absolute still life*... the flowers look like sculptures, good light and toning ok! ciao! davide
Hakan Aker
{K:14146} 1/21/2004
Excellent shot Ed...Regards,HakaN.
GP Merfeld
{K:14396} 1/21/2004
Absolutely beautiful lighting, tone, and composition for a quiet yet evocative still life. The glowy effect of the IR works really well, whereas in a traditional tone would draw too much attention to the somewhat blown out highlights. Here, it gives an ethereal effect which is wonderful. Outstanding job, Ed.
Mauricio-José Schwarz
{K:160} 1/21/2004
I like the lighting, the shadows, and the original approach.
Irwan Endrayanto
{K:25} 1/21/2004
perfect lighning... I like it...
great shot...