Peter Burda
{K:4807} 1/27/2004
hmmmmmmmmmmmmm ! mnam !
ana ribeiro
{K:21290} 1/26/2004
its so good looking to a blurred photo or painting, a great portuguese painter says the image in focus is agressive and he considers that hiperealist painters are out of focus in the sence that they are not realy in focus , which means a point, sorry my english, anyway he painted many blured paintings.....so far his name is Noronha da Costa
m.c. lopez
{K:14766} 1/24/2004
good blur effect !
Robin McAulay
{K:8908} 1/23/2004
one of those nighty nights - charmed...
sahira fontana
{K:128} 1/23/2004
jajajjajajaja lowell de repente pensé wao esta jeca se parece a alberto...pero de repente leo que efectivamente es el. La saturación de ojos y boca lo hacen tener un look afeminado y nada que ver... por eso de repente pensé que era tu hermana... jajajja que locura! estoy de acuerdo... a mi también me da miedo... buuuu....
Cherie Spike
{K:-21959} 1/23/2004
They're coming to take me a way haha!
favo :)
Rhonda Prince
{K:17687} 1/23/2004
Great capture of motion!
Hakan Aker
{K:14146} 1/23/2004
Brilliant,i like such photos a lot lately andthis is a wonderful example.Regards,HakaN.
lowell whipple girbes
{K:13151} 1/23/2004
you can see his pics at http://www.usefilm.com/photographer/17763.html
Tiro Leander
{K:19060} 1/23/2004