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Favorite Moments of 2003 ... 66
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Image Title:  Favorite Moments of 2003 ... 66
Favorites: 3 
 By: Pedro Libório  
  Copyright ©2004

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Photographer Pedro Libório  Pedro Libório {Karma:36301}
Project #21 Alone Camera Model Canon Powershot G2 Pro
Categories Architecture
Film Format
Portfolio My Moments ...
Uploaded 2/19/2004 Film / Memory Type Digital 50 ASA
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 720 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/0
Critiques 60 Rating
/ 48 Ratings
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About ...Alcobaça Monastery - Portugal
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Óbidos - Portugal  ... 2

Óbidos - Portugal ... 8

Óbidos - Portugal .... 45

Óbidos - Portugal ... 54

S. Martinho do Porto - Portugal ... 075

Favorite Moments of 2003 ... 38

Óbidos - Portugal ... 3

S. Martinho do Porto - Portugal ... 086

Óbidos - Portugal ...34

There are 60 Comments in 1 Pages
Magnus Beierlein Magnus Beierlein   {K:853} 11/16/2004
I saw your images from Cathedrals / Monasteries for the first time and they are amazingly good with such sensitivity in tones and lighting. Your portfolio, i might allready have said it, is of such high standard alltogether.



Claudio  Fett Claudio  Fett    {K:1737} 5/11/2004
Adoreio esta foto ela desenha com luz e sombras de forma espetacular.



Gabriella Carta Gabriella Carta   {K:22879} 2/28/2004
splendid light, great!!!


Erland Pillegaard Erland Pillegaard   {K:34147} 2/25/2004
Excellent photo


Eddie Bayliss   {K:2130} 2/25/2004
Great shot Pedro
colours and light fantastic

Best regards Eddie


Helder Santos   {K:3505} 2/23/2004
Fantastica Pedro...


Gaetan Chevalier   {K:4188} 2/22/2004
Great capture with very interesting perspective.


Yutaka Itinose Yutaka Itinose   {K:22586} 2/22/2004
Beautiful gallery with lovely shadow and sunlight! Super perspective!


John Hatziemmanouil   {K:40580} 2/20/2004
Superb also this one from different angle! The top of the building has a very interesting etxture that make it very nice!


Roger Cotgreave   {K:15892} 2/20/2004


Ana Vianna   {K:15270} 2/20/2004
UHAUUUUUU! Que sonho!!! Não tenho palavras para descrever o que sinto ao admirar tanta beleza!


narabia   narabia     {K:9563} 2/20/2004
lucky man... to visit so many great places. thanks for sharing impressions.


Ahmet Baki Kocaballi   {K:13618} 2/20/2004
perspective,colors,tones,light all are great, again


Ricardo Villagran   {K:1901} 2/20/2004
A different angle from the blue I see... Strong and interesting! RV


Alvaro Ennes   {K:2605} 2/20/2004
PERFEITA!!!! Ficou ótima, com um jogo de sombras muito perfeito....Parabéns.


Jorge Vasconcelos   {K:33746} 2/20/2004
Perspective.light and shadow,tone,everything is right.


Hakan Aker   {K:14146} 2/20/2004
Splendid shot,its peaceful and the toning is perfect as uusal


Robert Gaither Robert Gaither   {K:34128} 2/20/2004
Great tone and angle like those designs from the lighting on the top windows going down.


Alex Teller   {K:8286} 2/20/2004
Another splendid photo from my favorite photographer. They are all first class, superb and very original. And Portugal is such a rich resource, you are a very lucky man and we too. You can see it by your so many admirers. MAGNIFICENT!
Bye, Alex
PS Thanks for your great explanation of the toning process. I appreciate it and wil soon apply it for you to judge.


Kosti 7even   {K:6328} 2/20/2004
Oh Pedro! You constantly make me smile with your work. I would love to hear of an excibition and/or publication of your work. You are an inspiration. Take good care of yourself and keep shooting..! Kosti


Andriete Paris   {K:2381} 2/20/2004
Excelente, Pedro!
Adoro os tons que você dá às suas fotos, ficam sempre com um ambiente incrível.
Abraços à vocês três! ;-)


Ezequiel Lozada Ezequiel Lozada   {K:17176} 2/20/2004
Magnífico, Pedro.
El juego de luces en tan solemne corredor convoca a altos niveles de espiritualidad.



Getulio Melo   {K:6481} 2/20/2004
Belíssimos tons! Excelentes fotometria e composição. Parabéns por mais esta, Pedro.


Neil Dolman   {K:26883} 2/20/2004
Hi Pedro, I'm pretty sure i've commented on your work before, but if you keep coming up with such good pics what else can i do? This is great. I can feel the stone, the warmth of the sun and light contrasted with the shade from the Kloister. Great. Regards Neil


Orazio Minnella Orazio Minnella   {K:49417} 2/20/2004
Great work!Beautiful light.


Diamantino Mendes   {K:12959} 2/20/2004
Gosto muito destes interiores despidos e banhados com luz e sombra.
Excelente ... ainda que gostasse mais se fosse um pouco mais escuro, mas isso sou eu mesmo, aliás muitos se queixam de que as minhas fotos são ou muito escuras ou muito claras, mas prontos é o meu gosto pessoal :-)

Tudo bem, já há alguma novidade com Helena???
Avisa. Abração!


xy x   {K:41915} 2/20/2004
fantastic perspective and used shadows and light, pleasant and beautiful colour tones, perfect architecture details and lines, brilliant work my friend, congrats, best regards...add to my favourite


Kristina Kohut   {K:49990} 2/20/2004
Such great composition! It looks beautiful! And the light is excellent! So very very good!


Salvo Valenti   {K:17038} 2/20/2004


augusto mario cunha   {K:19049} 2/19/2004
Excelente visão e perspectiva. Faria sucesso lá do outro lado. Abraços.


Hugo Pierre   {K:15692} 2/19/2004
Fantastic combination of lighting and shadows! It's a masterpiece!
Best regards, Hugo.


Clifton Jones Clifton Jones   {K:10688} 2/19/2004 is captured very well..beautiful image.....


Kees and Carolyn    {K:15193} 2/19/2004
Beautiful hues and sunlight! Also beautiful architecture!


Ozjan Yeshar Ozjan Yeshar   {K:15239} 2/19/2004
Your architecture work is so fascinating. I have enjoyed every one of it. The reflection of light is so artistic in that shot. I will be visiting your work again for sure. Cheers Pedro.

Ozjan Yeshar


Jan Symank Jan Symank   {K:22030} 2/19/2004
The light ornaments on the floor are beautiful for this


Selina White   {K:928} 2/19/2004
Stunning !
perfect light, perfect tone and a great composition.
You never cease to impress me with your beautiful photographs.
Your friend, Selina


nilo machado   {K:322} 2/19/2004
Pedro, sem saber que se tratava de um mosteiro, senti uma grande paz
quando vi esta foto.
Só fotos excepcionais falam a nós sem legendas.
Nilo Machado


Don Figaro   {K:1109} 2/19/2004
Excellent lights!!!!!!!!!!!


Gino  Quattrocchi   {K:39580} 2/19/2004
Con questo tema raggiungi grandi risultati
sei un mago con la G2


Johnny K   {K:12635} 2/19/2004
Amazing light and perspective !


Ari A. Alves (alvesari) Ari A. Alves (alvesari)   {K:7733} 2/19/2004
Very well composed. Beleza de imagem.


Teunis Haveman Teunis Haveman   {K:53426} 2/19/2004
Pedro. Great lightinfall


Hanna Segal Hanna Segal   {K:13469} 2/19/2004
It looks like your favorite moments become my favorite moments... and not only mine... there's such a chemistry in your shots... this one is so amazing...


Fatma B.   {K:1864} 2/19/2004
this one is really great Pedro, Excellent.


Richard Thornton   {K:26442} 2/19/2004
No people this time, but interesting light spots on the floor.


Mário Sousa   {K:16985} 2/19/2004
graficamente perfeita, abraço.


Roy V Roy V   {K:13082} 2/19/2004
Beautiful, great exposure. Love the light patterns.


Kevin Bickerdike   {K:377} 2/19/2004
Good catch...great light..Kevin


Elena Zabelina   {K:23212} 2/19/2004
Wow! What a great atmosphere and mood in this place. Wonderful photo, wonderful tone...
Warm regards,


Haleh B   {K:3741} 2/19/2004
Those patterns created by light on the floor are so right on! Great DOF and yes another favorite!


nenad pesic   {K:1944} 2/19/2004


MCHK 2000   {K:4701} 2/19/2004
Wonderful architectural shot, excellent perspective with nice lighting, just great, well done, congrats !!!


john amore   {K:14015} 2/19/2004
excellet phot great color well done John


Telmo Domingues   {K:9639} 2/19/2004
Excelente captura Pedro! Gosto do modo como a luz desenha no chão o que não se vê na parede... Um efeito interessante! Gosto do tom... Se por um lado um Mosterio é (quase sempre) um local desconfortável, é, ao mesmo tempo, acolhedor, pelo silêncio e reflexão a que proporciona... A cor quente dá ideia desse acolhimento...


Antonio Delicado   {K:189} 2/19/2004
Tenho estado arredado destes lugares

De regresso, adorei esta foto e sobretudo as imagens que o recorte do claustro do Most de Alcobaça fazem no chão.

Continuo a gostar muito destas "conversões" coloridas do P&B
Grande abraço, Pedro


Carlos Andrade   {K:730} 2/19/2004
Olá Pedro,
é a 2 ou 3 vez, que postamos praticamente a mesma hora, :-)
mais uma excelente foto, que belo tom, enquadramento e contraste.
um abraço,


Rachel Leah Rachel Leah   {K:26110} 2/19/2004
Wow beautiful photo! I love the lighting and shadowing here! It looks amazing, I love the golden lighting and coloring! Incredible photo, excellent job! :)


Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia   {K:96391} 2/19/2004


Amna Al Shamsi   {K:21795} 2/19/2004
I like this type of architecture, toned my favorites.


Peter N. Karalekas   {K:1145} 2/19/2004
very nice shot




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