There was no way to trnaslate your "Muy expresiva. Me gusta el diálogo entre las manos. la iluminación buena!" but would it be correct if I trnslate it myself to mean" "Very expressive. I like the dialogue beween the hands. The illumination is good". I could translate it to Hebrew, too, but it would come out Gibberish, not just because you may not be familiar with Hebrew characters. Your computer is probably not able to read these characters. Be that as it may, than you for your comment on my "Hands" As to your photo, it got a six & the expression of the gentleman, that if I understand you correctly all you say about him is: "The left hand" is stunning. We had a hero, cales Joseph Trumpeldor who lost his right hand in the russian japanese war at the beginning of last century & who was killed about 1920 defending our nothern border. Here is his photo.