Here an other little modified pic. I made it at Szarvas Botanical Park, from under a long dark tunnel of trees by tele mode. There was a special lighting constellation, at the end of the road was a small clearing fully loaded with sunlight and green flowers. The other parts of the forest were dark toned. I could not give back the strong contrast with AM settings of the cam, therefore i tried to help a little with SW. The greens were fluorescences. Please give advises to handle extreme contrasts for the future. Thanks in advance, Radák
Aham, hat igen. Ezzel sem nagyon lehet mar ilyenkor mit kezdeni. PS-ben megprobalhatod a "Curves" dolgot, de hat ugye az ember jobban szeretne jo kepeket csinalni, mint geppel manipulalni a dolgokat. En egyebkent ezt egyszeruen elvagnam ott, ahol azok a szaraz gallyak vannak (a zold vegenel), es akkor egy nagyon erdekes kep lehetne, es a tulexponalt reszekkel nem is kellene torodni. Koszonom az ujabb kommentart, meg a Steve linket is! Nagyon vicces, ahogy lehet korbe forgatni a gepet az egerrel! :-)
Dear Géza! Thanks for your kind comment, but in this case my target was to show the big contrast between the shadow and the sunny clearing.
Mainly you are right to do a ballanced pic. But the distance was more than 6m, too much for the built in flash.
I think the measuring method was not the best for the situation and my target. It was made by multi mode. May be the spot or the average could be better. (I know the illuminating technic, please see my where i used it to show the stuccos of the darker ceilings.)
Maybe you can try the fill in flash technique, just turn on your flash it will helps in 3-6m distance. You don't like to cheating ;-) but I have some great PS filters to eliminate this problem in digital laboratory.