In Transit
{K:29432} 8/17/2004
This viewer was forced to address this submission, as it had the fewest comments of the photographer's portfolio...
And this Village Idiot's comments would be lost in history...
The first idea that comes to mind... is for the photographer to remove the colar of multi coloured ribbons... go behind a tree... and disrobe to her starkies... and place the colar around her waist... and let the cameras click and click... for that would be a sight to be admired!
All wrapped up as a Christmas present for U No Who!
Ohhh by the way... you can use the button holes... to string some other ribbons up over your chest and around your neck... so that your discretion is properly covered!
Ok Ok... It must have been a =good party= and you got home... in fine shape and well attired!
Luis Diogo
{K:6019} 3/27/2004
Graham Mulrooney
{K:15728} 3/15/2004
Excellent colourful picture almost an abstract. Best regards, Graham.
Andrea Pitasi
{K:220} 3/6/2004
hi Carmen, thank you for your cooment and congratulations for this wonderful picture I really love. I imagine Bazil as a magic of colours and your photo is a symbol of it! Chao Andrea www.andreapitasi.it
Antonio Fonseca
{K:2666} 3/6/2004
As festas com ternos de reis rendem sempre boas imagens vistas por bons olhos. No seu caso não foi diferente. Bonito colorido!
Jorge Vasconcelos
{K:33746} 3/3/2004
Adoro cor, cor mesmo,cor forte.Detesto B%W e cinza.Cor é vida e eu adoro vida ,talvez por ter andado muito no meio fio.Adoro a foto da Folia dos Reis. Sim,estarei em S.Paulo, minha base é lá,terra onde vivi cinco anos (já deu para perceber?).De lá irei dar umas curvas até ao Rio e até ao sul. Portugal,comparado com Brasil ,é mirim, muito mirim.Caniçada é só aqui muito perto. Abraço, jorge
Jan Symank
{K:22030} 3/1/2004
Beautiful color structures. Very well seen and composed Parabens Jan
Carlos Brando
{K:4637} 3/1/2004
gostei bastante da foto. as cores são muito boas e a foto ficou muito equilibrada. parabéns!
Kees and Carolyn
{K:15193} 2/29/2004
Now this is what I call festive! Beautiful colors. Excellent shot! Carolyn
Steve Rosenbach
{K:8338} 2/29/2004
You isolated this colorful detail perfectly, Carmem! I like that you don't show the person's head and also the dark background at top to contrast to the very white shirt.
Best regards, SteveR
CorrieLynn Jacobsen
{K:9882} 2/29/2004
this would make an awsome postcard! good job!