Ana Pereira
{K:221} 3/16/2004
Muito boa! É realmente uma foto "poderosa"... Talvez seja das expressões tão bem marcadas e do ângulo em que a foto foi tirada. Muito boa, mesmo!!
Jaimee Bond
{K:1437} 3/12/2004
Great detail and composition! A great photo! The color and lighting looks really great! :)
aidil goh
{K:39} 3/10/2004
Like a dream.. .. which makes me wonder what idol worshipping is
super composition, I like it when the heads' textual qualities are accentuated by the contrasting white bg.
Rhonda Prince
{K:17687} 3/4/2004
Excellent angle, your photography is really getting better and better all the time!
Sachiko Kanasashi
{K:3025} 3/4/2004
Lovely and beautiful!!! I feel so happy!
m.c. lopez
{K:14766} 3/2/2004
well done (good D.O.F.)
John Orban
{K:725} 3/2/2004
Intelligent perspective and crop
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 3/2/2004
Nice composition, Nuno! I like the fact that aparts are intentionally excluded. The space on the right works perfectly in creating enough room for the photo not being "boxed in". Well done on the subtle colours and tones, too! My compliments!
Juin Hoo
{K:661} 3/2/2004
nuno.. i have to say this.. its totally zen power! :)