Gayle's Eclectic Photos
{K:91109} 2/19/2007
OMG! i won something?!...uh,i want to thank the voices in my head,and the bogey man under my bed...umm,am i forgetting anyone...oh,heck,ya'll know who you are!...hehehe Thanks,homie peace,gayle
Dave Arnold
{K:55680} 2/19/2007
Congratulations, you get a buy one-get one... LOL
See, told you it was haunted!
Dave Arnold
{K:55680} 4/12/2004
By gosh, I think you've captured a ghost! Very cool colors for that "eerie feeling".
(still blushing over your comment "someone of your talent" but thanks for the compliment!)
Tim Bronkhorst
{K:9391} 3/11/2004
Now I see, you photograph all kinds of details. I have to say that it looks great. There all just impessions of colors and shapes, not abstract, but taken out of live. Just a word of respect for the work you do, it's your own and good! Greets Tim.
john amore
{K:14015} 3/10/2004
this is an award winning photo so full of mystery great job John
Ned Ali
{K:11928} 3/9/2004
GREAT!! when i first saw the thumbnail and the title i thought it takes about loneliness! but when i saw that face i got the title :)
mmmmmmmmmm .. someone tell me why the ratings don't show up here!!!! this is the second time it happens to me .. i can't rate the photo!! i'll be back.
best wishes, ned
Jani Salvataggio
{K:27283} 3/6/2004
fantastic work!!!!!!
Neil Dolman
{K:26883} 3/6/2004
Hi Gayle, I had to look hard to find the face in the window, but then i saw it and now you've scared me. I won't be able to sleep tonight ;-( SCARY. Take care and DON'T ENTER the house. Cheers neil
Ameed El-Ghoul
{K:42215} 3/6/2004
Wonderfu capture, great composition, wonderful colors, great title, the pictuer gave me a chiver :) and regarding what Rawabi said .. yeah it reminds me of The Ring, and it creaped the hell out of me for three days :) '' shamed to admit it :) ''. I don't know why you turned the rating off, it is a great picture and would be highly rated, Regards
Murat Tanriover
{K:8387} 3/6/2004
I am not getting close to that house. What are you trying to do?:) scare us?:)Strange though. Excellent shot wonderful capture. love the title...
Jim Loy
{K:31373} 3/5/2004
Uhhhhhhhhhh---that would be me up there...and I am not "peering"...I am leering..... I like the crop. JIL
Tom Iarocci
{K:239} 3/5/2004
Agree the image in the window space looks quite human...spooky! I see a woman in old fashioned garb, with hat and collar.
Kees and Carolyn
{K:15193} 3/5/2004
It is pretty creepy looking! Excellent shot! Carolyn
Rawabi Al-Nuaimi
{K:15659} 3/5/2004
so creepy! reminds me of the movie "The Ring".. it creeped me for almost a week! lol