Mauro Machado
{K:1159} 8/25/2004
Caro Murilo, Obrigado pelos comentários. Gostaria de sugerir a você se inscrever na lista de fotógrafos da Escola Focus / São Paulo, no link http://br.groups.yahoo.com/group/escola_focus/ Abraços
Murilo Rafael de Souza
{K:19577} 8/25/2004
Olá Mauro! Parabéns por este registro! Ficou uma foto ótima! Gostei muito das cores e da iluminação de fim de tarde (muito bem aproveitada)! Os reflexo também contribuiram bastante para a excelente composição!
Um abraço...
[] Murilo
Roberto Ramires
{K:2420} 6/21/2004
Linda imagem, belos reflexos e otima composicao!
Susan Cropper
{K:2166} 4/20/2004
I love this picture. I've never seen anything quite like it. The colors are wonderful. Nice reflections. Makes me want to know the story of the wreck.
Carmem A. Busko
{K:48785} 3/15/2004
Belos reflexos, Mauro. As cores fortes do contrastando com a claridade do cenário também ficaram ótimas. Muito bem composta! Parabéns Carmem
{K:5884} 3/11/2004
Wonderful colours for this interesting photo. Congratulations. Bye.
Hanna Segal
{K:13469} 3/10/2004
I hope they were smart enough to get on the boats and leave in time... I can't help noticing how these rusty old shipwrecks make beautiful photo opportunities. Excellent colors and dramatic lines. You can't wish for more.
Stephen Bowden
{K:64141} 3/9/2004
Hopefully none lost Mauro - but excellent photo, brilliant reflection - seems such a calm beach
Mauro Machado
{K:1159} 3/9/2004
Here is another photo that shows the other side of the vessel and also how the tide was changing quickly. In this area you have to drive for 15/20 kms. over sand before reaching a firm road, and it is not advisable to travel during the night. That's why we were in a hurry to leave. Here is my wife. And in the previous photo is me and my wife and the brave Fiat that took us there and back.

Mauro Machado
{K:1159} 3/9/2004
Hi Hugo, Thanks for your suggestions, I really appreciated. I thought about zoom in and take just a part of the structure, as you suggested, but it wouldn't show the huge ship's carcasse, what gives the dimension of the disaster. Otherwise, I had only a few minutes before the sun set and was limited by my camera (Nikon Coolpix 880)lens. Other point is that I was impressed by the reflexion in the water. I also thought about staying another day at the beach in order to photography this ship against the rising sun, but it would delay my trip to Uruguay. I was suppose to arrive there before Xmas with friends and family. In the picture attached you will notice the long shadows as the sun was approaching the horizon.

Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 3/9/2004
Hi Mauro, It is surely a very impressive sight. I like the hard contrast in colours, and the angle at which this photo has been taken. A very grim sight, yet peaceful in its seamans' grave". Great capture. I'm a bit undecicive about the composition, though. The weight is dead centered (sorry for this metaphore..., not intended) but my eye is drawn towards the reflection in the sand. I think that this breaks the balance of the composition a bit. IMHO, the best option would have been to zoom in on a part of the structure. Hope you understand what I mean...
Alan Armanini
{K:5407} 3/9/2004
Great Capture, Not every day you see a shipwreck. Very Nice Composition, Wonderful Work!!
Riny Koopman
{K:19998} 3/9/2004
WOW mario wonderful ship and i love the reflection in the water good job! regards riny.
Andrea B.
{K:1741} 3/9/2004
Wonderful shot,great the reflection on the beach!!! Nice colors!!
Kevin H
{K:22502} 3/9/2004
Great color and love how you added the beach in the composition. Good job!! Kevin