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The mandolin player
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Image Title:  The mandolin player
Favorites: 0 
 By: Antonella Nistri  
  Copyright ©2004

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Photographer  Antonella Nistri {Karma:21867}
Project #10 Grainy Film for Effect Camera Model Nikon FE 2
Categories Portrait
Film Format
Portfolio Lens Nikkor 28/70
Uploaded 3/13/2004 Film / Memory Type Fuji Reala
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 447 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/0
Critiques 20 Rating
/ 11 Ratings
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There are 20 Comments in 1 Pages
Silvia Festa Silvia Festa   {K:6008} 3/25/2004
un bel reportage di vita quotidiana! mi piace la grana, questa foto potrebbe essere vista sfogliando un vecchio giornale ingiallito. solo forse l'inquadratura poteva essere migliore: la parte di sinistra attira lo sguardo senza raccontare nulla del musicista, invece un po' piů di aria davanti, nella direzione dello sguardo, avrebbe suggerito qualcosa alla fantasia dello spettatore


Ana Vianna   {K:15270} 3/15/2004
Great!!! Very beautiful capture! Very well done! My regards!


Anouschka Rokebrand   {K:6470} 3/15/2004
Lovely image. I love the toning and the grains. It makes it look and feel like a nostalgic image!


Salvo Valenti   {K:17038} 3/15/2004


Richard Thornton   {K:26442} 3/14/2004
Like conte crayon on a pebbled surface. Works well.


Pedro Libório Pedro Libório   {K:53861} 3/14/2004
...just like it a lot!


jon parsons   {K:13639} 3/13/2004
Dearest Antonella, wonderful graining affect in this one my friend! Ill bet he could really play well? lovely lovely work my dearest friend....jon


Ellen Havrilla   {K:8618} 3/13/2004
Hi Antonella
You're right with your decision to grain the picture. It gives more depth .
Like this street portret!
Kind regards


Antonio Trincone   {K:23167} 3/13/2004
meravigliosa, forse solo un pň troppo grainy per i miei gusti


Gino  Quattrocchi   {K:39580} 3/13/2004
la tua fotografia e il tuo stile


Roger Williams Roger Williams   {K:86139} 3/13/2004
Yes! I see now. The grain effect has actually saved the shot... I can also see more of the difficulty of the street shot now. Sorry I was hasty with my criticism. I should have known that there was a good reason for it to be like that. But I wanted to share my puzzlement. Thanks for removing it! (I am still trying to take people but having a hard time of it.)


ana ribeiro   {K:21290} 3/13/2004
good composition


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 3/13/2004
peccato qualcuno non dia anche il rating!
amo qs foto il itratto e la grana!


kita mcintosh   {K:18594} 3/13/2004
a me la grana qui piace tantissimo. ankio avrei tolto un po di robe da dietro.


Rob Ernsting Rob Ernsting   {K:8899} 3/13/2004
The grain one has my preference for the fact that despite the grain the image gets a nostalgic look and appears sharper.


Antonella Nistri   {K:21867} 3/13/2004
Roger,this is a street photo and therefore not perfect. He was playing in a little band in a small town up North. For sure he wasn't posing for me. As for the filter I thought it would have looked nice,but here below I show it to you without and you tell me which one is best,many thanks,Antonella


Rob Ernsting Rob Ernsting   {K:8899} 3/13/2004
It takes a while to adjust to the grain, but having said that I begin to like it. One should look at it from a slight distance likewise as with a painting, then it has depth and shows a nice mood with lots of details. I like it, its different and daring. Congratulations Antonella. Regards, Rob.


pippo giuseppe   {K:16421} 3/13/2004
Una patina velata di dolcezza!!Brava Antonella!!Maria grazia


Roger Williams Roger Williams   {K:86139} 3/13/2004
Anteonella, I presume the filter is called "grain" or something like that. I wonder what effect you were aiming for by adding this grain? I mean, how you thought it would help the picture to become more effective. I'm not sure if it is the grainy effect doing it, but I find the subject's image rather difficult to distinguish from the background, which looks a bit cluttered. The beer bottles by his head, the leather case or whatever it is behind the mandolin (?) frets rather distract me. Also I do not find the grainy look attractive on his face and hands. So I must confess to being rather baffled by this one.


Teunis Haveman Teunis Haveman   {K:53426} 3/13/2004
Antonella, beautiful mandoline player




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