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Extreme II.
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Image Title:  Extreme II.
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 By: Zsolt Radákovits  
  Copyright ©2004

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Photographer Zsolt Radákovits  Zsolt Radákovits {Karma:10376}
Project #36 Magic Light Camera Model Fuji S602z
Categories Digital
Film Format
Portfolio Special conditions
Lens 7,8mm
Uploaded 3/17/2004 Film / Memory Type ISO 160 Digital
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 357 Shutter 1/10 000!!!
Favorites Aperture 11
Critiques 13 Rating
/ 3 Ratings
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About This was made with Tungsten WB. Just to see the difference. The measurement type were Average
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There are 13 Comments in 1 Pages
Peter Domotor Peter Domotor   {K:1854} 3/24/2004

majdnem nem találtam meg, de itt van ni:

benéztem a 120 K-t



Peter Domotor Peter Domotor   {K:1854} 3/24/2004

majdnem nem találtam meg, de itt van ni:


Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 3/24/2004
Hi Zsolt, I owned a S602z, great camera, but not durable enough for me.... I have a C5050z now, and use RAW frequently, but have some trouble selecting the right WB. Hence my question. Need to increase my knowledge on that part.....) Thanks for your comment, if you have more detailled information, I would appreciate it!




Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 3/24/2004
Hi Zsolt, I owned a S602z, great camera, but not durable enough for me.... I have a C5050z now, and use RAW frequently, but have some trouble selecting the right WB. Hence my question. Need to increase my knowledge on that part.....) Thanks for your comment, if you have more detailled information, I would appreciate it!




Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 3/24/2004
Hi Zsolt, I owned a S602z, great camera, but not durable enough for me.... I have a C5050z now, and use RAW frequently, but have some trouble selecting the right WB. Hence my question. Need to increase my knowledge on that part.....) Thanks for your comment, if you have more detailled information, I would appreciate it!




Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 3/24/2004
Hi Zsolt, I owned a S602z, great camera, but not durable enough for me.... I have a C5050z now, and use RAW frequently, but have some trouble selecting the right WB. Hence my question. Need to increase my knowledge on that part.....) Thanks for your comment, if you have more detailled information, I would appreciate it!




Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 3/24/2004
Hi Zsolt, I owned a S602z, great camera, but not durable enough for me.... I have a C5050z now, and use RAW frequently, but have some trouble selecting the right WB. Hence my question. Need to increase my knowledge on that part.....) Thanks for your comment, if you have more detailled information, I would appreciate it!




Zsolt Radákovits Zsolt Radákovits   {K:10376} 3/24/2004
Hi Hugo!

Thanks for your kind comments.
According to your Q, my conclusion is, in extreme conditions sometimes very good help for the photographers the WB. I think the camera sometimes see more, or other way than the human eye. The WB is good to compensate the difference of the ?K of different lights, or create interesting effects in alternativ way.
PS.: unfortunately the Fuji S602z can record RAW only in 6M mode. The file size is 16-17MB then. I do not use it, only in very special cases.
Kindest regards, Radák


Zsolt Radákovits Zsolt Radákovits   {K:10376} 3/24/2004
Szia Durmi!
Köszi az alkotást! Sajna az új felületen más van helyette, ha tudod tedd ki légyszi még egyszer, mert nagyon tetszett!


Zsolt Radákovits Zsolt Radákovits   {K:10376} 3/24/2004
Szia Durmi!
Köszi az alkotást! Sajna az új felületen más van helyette, ha tudod tedd ki légyszi még egyszer, mert nagyon tetszett!


Jani Salvataggio   {K:27283} 3/24/2004
Ez egy hajszállal jobb, nem tudom miért de úgy érzem, szimplán PERFEKT!:)


Peter Domotor Peter Domotor   {K:1854} 3/18/2004
Szia, :))

köszi a heves commentet :)), jól esett mit mondjak..

látom feltörtél, most aztán özönleni fognak a képek :))

hálám jeléül fogadd el ezt a kis módosított verzsönt(bár tudom, Te inkább az eredeti, nem buherált képeket bírod, címet nem adtam neki)



Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 3/18/2004
Hi Zsolt, huge difference. What is your conclusion?






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