Jim Loy
{K:31373} 1/8/2006
P.S.---- I want a copy of this. Where do I send the money?
Jim Loy
{K:31373} 6/3/2005
Did the cap look something like this?????

Ian McIntosh
{K:42997} 1/14/2005
Already an associate. wasn't too sure I should put it on the friends list as I was a tad spooked! seemed to be almost two voicews there. Pretty scary for a psych nurse to sense with one name attached!
Jim Loy
{K:31373} 1/14/2005
Where else would I go to get yer attention? Hey, I have somefinn fer ya...
See if that works. Here is the story. I set up a site (you have popped in and commented, by the way) of a place where I could go and post "artsy" stuff, things I would never post to me regular place. There is also another person in on this. The other person is a very near and dear friend who does "artsy" stuff but only posts it to Mary Haywood. It really does not matter which is mine and which is their's. Think of this as a like "lost" Jimmie posts. Some pics VERY VERY VERY few know to be mine and me pal's. So, go to Mary Haywood (me wife's maiden name) and check it out. The stuff we would not post to our regular have fun site. JIL
James Lee
{K:4790} 6/9/2004
pasquale ale angelini
{K:2543} 5/19/2004
are you living in Nez Zealand? I like your country. I have some pictures on www.fotopan.com
ciao p.
and thank you for your comment.
Jim Loy
{K:31373} 4/16/2004
Great article by Pynchon. I passed it along to my son Mike. Mike just finished his masters in communication with a double minor in History and Political science...he wears a plain black baseball hat and pins his own little pics on the front...kekekek...Anyway, back to me...Sorry man! I said Aussie! I mean't NZ'ander! Thanks for the article. I really liked it. JIL
Ian McIntosh
{K:42997} 4/12/2004
Thanks Jim. I followed that link. Tragic. Reminded me of something my other half said today - "what do the buddists say? "The glass is already broken."" Getting over it, anything, can produce some weird response ands restoring the old man is just an absolute classic. I have a cousin who used to put on a hokey accent and sing "old man mountain". I suppose that is (was) it. About the title, I'd just read an article by Thomas Pynchon, (now there is a beautiful human being), called "is it o.k. to be a luddite?". http://www.themodernword.com/pynchon/pynchon_essays_luddite.html It's a good word.
Jim Loy
{K:31373} 4/10/2004
Ok---this title is killer clever. Who wrote it for you? (scratches head...and tries to recall oldE Brit history...I know Brit is NOT Aussie..still) Luddite... Luddite....LUDDITE!!! Ain't them the folks what hated technology? That were all against the expansion of machinery? Yeah, I think so...and the Igneous line... brilliant stuff man. As for the beer/religious pic. Don't worry. I have posted several beer related pics. And Robert Frost, a great Yank poet, once wrote (I am pulling this up from a beer sogged memory bank) "Oh Lord, forgive my little joke on Thee, and I will forgive Thy great big one on me." I saw nowt wrong wiff it. Jim And just for giggles...check this out http://www.nh.gov/oldman/
John Lamb
{K:9687} 4/10/2004
Yes, I did see him Ian, but thought I was seeing things so thought I better not mention it. Cheers John