{K:3946} 10/31/2004
im in love with the diagonals
Aiman Nassar
{K:11961} 4/15/2003
Beautiful composition... thank you for explaining the hallow effect... still believe it might be better on the original photo
Martin Mora
{K:4666} 8/28/2001
James, the color is natural, no hand coloring or PS,, but when I printed it, I dbl printed it, printing a sharp image on top of a soft image, giving it that halo look,
james mickelson
{K:7344} 8/28/2001
Hand colored or shopped. Very nice image. I don't mind the dark treeline in the background at all. Helps focus all the energy on the elk in the foreground. Nice color scheme too. I would like to see the lone snag of a tree a little more prominent though. Maybe just a little. I don't want it competing with the elk here. Lovely, just lovely.
Katie Nielsen
{K:279} 8/23/2001
I like this one too. I like the angled horizon in the background...wouldn't be as interesting an image if it had been straight. Great lighting here. Would have to agree with Alex about a bit more light on the trees in the back...and I'd like to see a little tiny bit more light on the top half of the lone tree to separate it a bit from the dark background. Very well done! ;-)