kevin nugent
{K:244} 5/14/2004
I love this potrait Ray! Outstanding!
Ray Vann
{K:3093} 5/14/2004
Small I know. This was one of my first digital images and I hadn't figured out the settings yet. Still not sure I know what I'm doing!
{K:8499} 5/14/2004
That is such a sweet little shot. The pose the girl has is adorable and expressive. I only wish that it were bigger - it's so tiny to see all the details!
Pedro Libório
{K:53861} 4/25/2004
lovely done.
Jeff Fiore
{K:11277} 4/24/2004
Bummer... My first experience was bad also. I had borrowed an Olympus digital camera to photograph my daughter's college volley ball championships. Not knowing much about digital, I shot all my photos at 640x480 resolution to save room on the memory card. When I printed some of them - digital pixelation hell even with 4x6 prints - really bad - I now know better.
Ray Vann
{K:3093} 4/24/2004
I too wish it was a bit larger. It was one of the first images I took with my D100 and I was new to PS. Anyway, somehow I managed to save it small and no longer have it on anyother media. Oh well!
Jeff Fiore
{K:11277} 4/23/2004
Very nice lighting and composition. great expression. Wish it was larger.
Michael Kramer
{K:566} 4/23/2004
If possible I would repost this a little larger. From what I can see this is a lovely photo. It makes me stop and wonder what she is thinking. --Mike
{K:206} 4/23/2004
Very nice portrait. Regards.
deanna cathcart
{K:140} 4/16/2004
Beautiful portrait I love the lighting and the expression. I do agree that it is a little small to see very clearly though.
Ron Beezley
{K:2834} 4/15/2004
Good picture, too small.
Fernando Ladeira
{K:849} 4/15/2004
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 4/15/2004
Sweet portrait and great mood. Jeanette
Kiarang Alaei
{K:49415} 4/15/2004
Simply and lovely shot. good E.L angle for showing heartly sense. nice child. so good expose.bravo!