Roger Williams
{K:86139} 4/16/2004
For me? The other one. The boat seems to dominate this one too much. Better balance between boat and castle in the other. Also, although the colours in one sense are "better" in this one, I think the colours in the other look more convincing, somehow. More like I remember it, anyway.
Barry Wakelin
{K:7838} 4/15/2004
Keith, very nice. I think the framing is pretty much perfect and the grey light works pretty well too although a spot more sun on the boat and grass or castle would have made it, but hey, this is Northumberland!
Riny Koopman
{K:19998} 4/15/2004
i can omly say to you(EXECELLENT) and lovely framed my friend best-regards-from holland
Neil Dolman
{K:26883} 4/15/2004
So Keith, i just read what they wrote and i agree with John Lamb. Hope you understand. Neil
Neil Dolman
{K:26883} 4/15/2004
Hi Keith, i didn't look that closely to see that it is not the same boat :) But in answer to your question i prefer the "castle" one. Not that i dont like this, in fact i would be happy to have taken either photo. What i don't like is the flat, dull lighting. Not something you could have had much control over except to go back at a different time. I feel you have done the best you could, but on a different day this could be an award winner. The reason i prefer the "castle" image is because i like the breathing space around the boat better, although there is not much between the 2 photos. This is for me a "wide" image and i like the room and air around it. Nice work and congrats. So Keith, i wrote this without looking at the other comments, now i'm going to take at look at what they wrote :) All the best from Switzerland, Neil
John Lamb
{K:9687} 4/15/2004
I prefer the colors in this one Keith.The moody sky works well but I feel a need for a bit more space on the left in front of the boat and a bit less at the stern. Regards John
Cesare Arigliano
{K:3146} 4/15/2004
I prefer this one... contrast and colours, for me, are better.ò
Paolo Grusovin
{K:3344} 4/15/2004
excellent landscape, nice mood. Bye
Maria Grazia Rapisarda
{K:15898} 4/15/2004
Excellent detail!!Splendid composition!!Very beautiful colour, tones e light!! Good the scene!!Congrats!!Regard!